'If we die tomorrow then we live out today.'

I personally believe that the only thing Harry is truly protecting us from is Zayn and perhaps at times, himself. He always leaves for the city whenever he's just had a conversation with Jordan. Due to it never ending in politeness, I feel like the only reason he leaves is to get away from us before he hurts one of us. I admire that about Harry, his ability to turn away from his natural instincts when he was angry, it must have been hard for him not to give into temptation.

Though I knew that Jordan was the one making it difficult for Harry, I couldn't bring myself to yell at him or even to tell him 'no'.

I got up from the ground and helped him up and that's when I realised how tall he was getting. He was only eight yet already he was only a few centimetres short of my height, though I guess I'm still growing too. I watched as Harry made his way to the fence and disappeared behind the mixture of bamboo and wood we had helped make.

"Lily, can we train?"

I raised an eyebrow towards him. I didn't know what he was suggesting but whenever Harry is in ear's or eye's distance, it was never a good sign when it came to Jordan. I turned around so my body was completely facing him instead of off to the side.

"What are you on about?"

"Can we like, you know, train."

I shook my head and he ran to my side and began pleading the way he did whenever I wouldn't let him do something he wanted to do.

"No, no, no, no, no. There'll be none of that." I laughed and began walking but I stopped when he quickly cut in front of me, the look of disappointment on his face was enough to make me change my mind then and there but I couldn't, I didn't want to do anything that could jeopardize his safety, our safety.

"But why?" His eyes grew big the way a dog's would when it wanted more food.

"Why would we need to train?" I asked as I pushed past him and he stayed in the one spot, looking towards me.

"I'll try and get along with Harry, so please, please Lily."

I froze. Hang on did I just hear that right? He said he will try and get along with Harry? That's impossible. He hated Harry, he hated Harry more than anything. I turned around and watched shocked as he dropped to his knees and pulled an overdramatic sad face and began whimpering. He was physically acting like a child but what he had just said about him trying to get over his hatred, that was the most grown up thing I had ever heard him say. He must have really wanted it this badly and I guess in a way, it would be useful to have those skills just in case.

I nodded slowly and laughed as he victoriously fist-bumped the air above his head. I opened the gate and closed it behind me as I made my way over to Harry who stood only metres away.

"What are you doing, Lily? What's wrong, do you need something?"

I crossed my arms and pursed my lips. He shook his head and repeatedly said 'no', which made me tap my foot quickly. I knew he heard everything, with those stupid vampire ears of his.

"No, I'm not going to train you guys. If Zayn hears I'm training you guys then he might take advantage of the situation and become a little less than friendly."

I rolled my eyes grabbed the corner of the top of his ear with my nails which made him continuously say 'ouch!' It didn't matter whether he was a vampire or not, that move hurts any being and my nails were growing particularly long which made it easier for me to get what I wanted.

I started dragging him inside the walls and I closed the gate behind me as we were both completely inside.

"Fine, fine, fine! I'll teach you, just get off me!"

He rubbed his ear as I let go and I couldn't help but laugh. It only took him a few seconds for the pain to completely leave but I envied how fast he could heal himself and how pain didn't affect him as much. If it was Jordan, he would have been on the ground the minute I pinched his ear, hence why I save this special move only for Harry.

He stood upright and Jordan ran over to me and stood by my side, glaring at Harry. This couldn't end well...

"So who wants to go first?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Jordan stood directly in front of him and nodded with a devilish smile on his face. Harry reciprocated and gave a smirk I had never seen before. I could see that Harry was hopeful that Jordan would warm up to him but I could see differently. I knew that Jordan wanted to kill Harry and he wasn't stupid enough to do so without proper training. In his eyes, I saw the same look as that day when our parents died. He was young but something happened to him that day, something changed in him. The sparkle in that baby's eyes changed from one of love to one of hatred.

"Give it your best shot." Harry taunted which seemed to rile Jordan up quite a bit.

Jordan ran towards him at full speed, faster than I could ever run because he had much more nimble legs than I did. He jumped at Harry's head and Harry ducked at the very last second which sent Jordan face-first into the dirt and grass.

"Be careful, Harry! Don't forget that compared to you, we are mere ants when it comes to strength." I pleaded but he just turned his head back and smiled at me.

Suddenly he toppled over to the ground and I laughed as I saw Jordan dancing on top of him. He laughed menacingly and jumped off.

"Both attempts were sloppy. The only reason you surprised me the second time was because your sister interfered."

Jordan rolled his eyes and made his way back over to me, mockingly saying "Never turn your back on your enemy."

He continued to walk behind me and I stared at him cautiously. Immediately harry called out to me and as I turned around to face him he nodded at me.

"Your turn..."

Oh damn, he will kick my ass...

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