"He wants to marry Khushi," Akash stated in a feeble tone.

Aman was flabbergasted.

"Whaaaat! How do you know?"

There was a shock and also excitement in his tone.

"Yes, Aman... he just declared it yesterday," NK said.

"Tell me completely." Aman calmly asked.

NK and Akash explained to him the complete scenario which happened in RM in the last evening.

Actually NK wanted to stop Arnav before he forces Khushi. He thought Aman is the only guy who could argue with Arnav behalf of Khushi. But, as NK and Akash didn't expect, Aman took Arnav's side.

"Really ASR said all these?"

"Yes, Aman... I really can't believe it." Akash let out his disbelief.

"I don't know what made him think of marriage," NK said.

"Khushi... What else...? He is in love with her." Aman said smilingly.

"I don't think he loves her," said NK.

"What do you mean by love, NK? Everyone has their own definition of Love. According to ASR, it's something beyond our thought. We can never understand ASR. He doesn't show it openly doesn't mean he doesn't love her. He is just different from us. That's all."

"How coolly you said that, Aman? Don't you know the wave-length between Nannav and Khushi? She has her own expectations for her Rajkumar. And Nannav is not her Rajkumar."

"How do you say that? What do you know about ASR? He is just not showing his heart to everyone as we do. He is like that."

"But Khushi won't like such a guy."

"Let her decide it, NK. If you are not ready to take ASR's side, please stay quiet instead of opposing him." Aman said strictly.


"Being his brothers, if you don't stand beside him then who will do that? Would people respect him if they get to know that his own brothers don't have a good opinion on him?"

"We are not against him Aman. We just worried about Khushi. Marriage is about finding the right person, Aman." Akash said regretfully.

"Why Akash? Is ASR a rogue...a womanizer...a drunkard...or... a backstabber? Will you dare to say he is not the right person?"

Akash and NK spared a glance.

"Khushi will never get such a golden-hearted man, yaar. He is also pure like Khushi. They will be happy because Khushi is wiser. You no need to worry about her because she knows how to lead her life. Being her friend, you should be happy about ASR's proposal. Do you know what an achievement it is? ASR has never thought of his marriage but Khushi made it easily. Khushi is going to get a ONE WOMAN man. Feel proud of it."

Akash and NK went speechless.

"Didn't you see the difference in ASR? Did you ever see him gifting anyone? Did you see him discussing the deal with a girl who is new to the field?"

"I'm confused Aman because you are also the one who worried a lot about Khushi when Nannav wanted her as his PA. But now you are taking his side."

"It's because I see difference in ASR. I was worried about Khushi at first because I didn't know her potential at that time. But now I have confidence that only Khushi could change ASR. Mark my words; Khushi will be happy with ASR."

"But what if Khushi denies?" NK questioned.

"Let's ASR handle the issue. We are just the audience. Let's watch the game."

Akash and NK nodded ok and left Aman's cabin. Aman sighed in relief. He was damn happy that his friend took a step towards his goal.


Arnav didn't call Khushi to his cabin which surprised Khushi. She thought he will keep her in his cabin the whole day and kill her with his penetrating gaze. But nope. Nothing happened like that which confused Khushi.

Do you think you could predict the mighty ASR, little girl? His way of dealing with things is magical. You are going to see that soon.

As Arnav didn't call her, she started working on the current deals. She thought to give a look at the production material. So, she went to the production hall.

Arnav saw her going out, through the glass wall of his cabin. He didn't know where she goes. So, he came out of his cabin and followed her. He saw her heading toward the production hall. He stood at the entrance of the production hall and watched her. She was sincerely examining the quality of the product.

A worker was smoking while doing work in the production hall. He didn't notice Khushi but only Arnav. He threw the cigarette in nervousness as he didn't expect Arnav's sudden visit. The cigarette fell on a waste cloth heap. Unfortunately, Khushi was standing close to the same heap. In no time, the heap started burning and the fire rose to the roof height. The production hall became heated up in tension. A worker ran towards a fire extinguisher. Before he used it, the hall got filled with smoke.

No doubt, Arnav searched for Khushi in the smoke. He saw Khushi and got shocked. She was standing, looking at the fire horrified. Her body drenched by sweat. Her eyes were overflowing like a river and she didn't sense it. Arnav rushed towards her and shook her by her shoulders.


"FFFFF.....ire...." She stammered.

Arnav cupped her face.

"Khushi, you are safe... don't worry." He said, sensing that she was not in her sense.

Her lips were quivering... she blinked her eyes gasping. She tried to say something but words were not coming out of her throat. Arnav became panicky, seeing her state. What's wrong with her? Losing her consciousness, she fell on Arnav's chest.

To be continued...

Next part is available on Inkitt

The Burning Past

Arnav was terribly horrified, seeing Khushi's state who was on his chest. In no time, he scooped her in his arms and rushed towards the main building. News of the fire accident reached the main building faster than Arnav. Everyone came out of their cubicle to know what happened. The staff of AR stunned, seeing the great ASR running, taking his PA in his arms whereas NK became panic about his friend. Aman who came out also saw Khushi in Arnav's arms.

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