Jaws in real life part 2

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"Living on a boat is fun and all, but I think I am going to go crazy and murder one of you."

Jason gives Lia a look, "I mean you could try but I don't think you would be able to. I have years of experience." 

I roll my eyes, "I fully believe she could give you a fight. Percy has been teaching her some basic swordplay and she has gotten pretty good."

"Well how about some friendly sparring?" 

Lia pulls out her sword, "That would be fun."

Piper and I watch as they take a few practice swings, trying to gauge what they know. As they speed up it becomes very hard to focus on what they are doing. I see it with my eyes but the vibrations in the ground are distorted. I can feel their footsteps but I also can feel the boat rocking back and forth and the waves hitting the boat. I used to be able to tune it out but however, the longer I am on this boat the harder it becomes to stand. 

Eventually I won't be, and I dread when that happens because I will have to tell them.

Your lies will blacken your heart and keep you alone. No one will ever trust you again. Not because they fear me, but because of you. You are unstable. You are losing it. You were never meant to keep my power for this long and now, you will be corrupted.

I shake my head. This stupid old hag has gotten more bold lately, stronger as well. However I can tell that she is nowhere near were she used to be. She is growing frustrated because as long as she is apart of me she can not achieve what she used to. Her remaining life force is tied to me and she hates that I have the power now. But that doesn't stop her. She keeps flooding my dreams with Pontos. His rage, his power, their love. I can't tell if she is trying to get me to him faster or send me running far away.

Jason and Lia are doing great. She is nowhere near the swordsman Jason is and is mostly on the defensive. Though her attacks are faster, stronger, and more efficient than they were in practice (I bet it's because of the ocean); they are still the basic ones Percy taught her. After some back and forth Jason knocks the sword out of lia's hand.

I don't catch what Jason says next because I feel something tap the bottom of the boat. I focus and feel it hit harder, it rocks the boat slightly. It taps a few more times and dread feels my stomach.

"Guys-" The boat gets hit hard, and sends us scrambling.

Lia stares in horror over the side of the boat. "I can hear it."

"Well what's it saying?"

Lia shakes her head. "Why can I understand it."

I go towards her in a effort to shake her back to reality, when I see a dorsal fin jut out of the water. It jumps out and I snap my fingers and send a wave of sound to gently knock Lia down Before screaming and hitting the Giant shark back into the water. 

Lia jumps back up. "I'm sorry I-" 

"Lia it's fine. Just tell me what it was saying." I scan the water for any sign of it/

"It's rambling about how it is not fair we can walk about as demigods. He wants to too. It-" Her eyes widen, "-it's mad. It smelt a child of aphrodite and wants to kill it in revenge."

"That's not gonna happen, I am not going to let it eat Piper." JAson grabs Piper's hand.

Will gives them a look, "Well I hope you won't let it eat anyone else either."

The sharks Hits the side of the boat.  Will Shoots arrow after arrow at it while i try to hit it with a sonic scream.

"Jason do you think if we get it to jump again you could hit it with lightning?" He nods and i turn to Lia. "I need you to try and harden the water around him into a wall, boxing it in." I see the look on her face and place my hand on her shoulder, "You can do it. I know you can. Piper Try to charm it into jumping."

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