The Prophecy

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Once Rachel dissolves her message, Percy slumps against my bed and Ophelia stares open mouthed at where Rachel used to be. I give Percy a wary look before I slump in my chair.

The secret that has been kept has put us all at risk. That was definitely in reference to Gaea and I, but did it mean not telling anyone but those who were on the quest with me about letting Gaea share my body? Or did it mean the recent powers I have gotten from her, as well as the memories that she is sharing, that I have kept to myself? For all I know it could be both. Either way I am going to be chewed out for being reckless.

"No more than five but no less than three." Percy mumbles. He looks up at me with a look that crushes my heart, "Does that mean that I am going to have to go?"

"Not necessarily. I am a hundred percent certain that I will be, I just had a vision about it." When Percy gives me a look let out a dry chuckle, "I'll tell you about it at camp. I am going to have explain it anyways. I just don't want to do it a million times." I take a deep breath, "Anyways, I am sure Lia is apart of the quest. I mean, it can't be a coincidence that she shows up at the same as we get a prophecy about the earth. I mean come on, she can make earthquakes!

So that makes two. Two people out of five. And if I am not mistaken that elf looking guy with the dragon, Leo, is in trouble. That means Jason and Piper would be the first to jump at this, That would leave one space." I look at Percy and I can't tell if he is relieved to be left out of this or disincluded. 

"Who would go in that last spot?" 

I shrug, "No clue. Just because I am the daughter of the God Of Prophecy, does not mean I can predict the future."

"And you expect me to believe that all that was guess work?" Percy and I share a laugh.

"Excuse me but, what. just. happened?" Lia huffs, reminding us that she is still here.

Percy and I share a look, "It's kind of a long story but it looks like we are going to be missing school."


"How long is this car ride going to be? I don't think that I can sit still any more." Lia flops in the backseat.

"Three more hours." 

I swat Percy, "Don't be like that. Only ten more minutes." I squint at the clock, "Oh my bad, just three. I didn't realize that number was a there."

Lia hums from the back and quiets down. I stare out the window as we slowly go along. Annabeth once told me that Percy has a bad track record with cars. Something about a Minotaur and Blackjack.

It feels weird to be coming back to camp without Eli, But both Aunt Eleanor and I decided that it would be best for her to finish the school year; much to Eli's dismay

"What's that?" Lia looks out at Thalia's tree, gaping at the dragon curled around it. Percy launches into a simple description of the weird things that she will be seeing.

I would join in but it feels like something is off. I just hope that this sense of foreboding is all in my head.

We get out and make our way into camp. Percy offers to take my stuff to the cabin for me but I shake my head and carry it to the big house with me.

When we make it to the door I pause, "So I am going to warn you, this is about to get weird."

Lia scoffs, "Gods are real, I think weird is already at its limit." 

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