I Just Can't be Normal Can I?

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I follow Lia through the store holding Pollux's arm. I swear every time that I let go or turn away from him he has gotten lost. Luckily, he hasn't ran into any more thiefs.

Lia leads us into a antique store and turns to face us. "Alright split up. Don't look for anything for yourself. Find three items that you think the other people would like."

Pollux rolls his eyes, "Aye aye captain!"

Lia punches his arm and points. I shake my head and laugh. I wander to the back of the store and come across some odd things. I try to think about what to pick out but I start internally screaming.

I don't know how to pick out gifts. I've only ever gotten gifts for Eliana. What if I pick something offensive or that they would never touch in a million years? Would they hate me?

I shake my head and look around. I spot Pollux and Lia by the book shelves. Lia has her finger in Pollux's red face and he keeps looking away from her whenever she tries to get his attention. Wonder what that's about.

I sigh and return to my task. I dig though a jewelry bin and find a black leather bracelet with blue gems in tied too it. I think it's something Lia would love. Blue is her favorite color.

I look back around to see the progress that the other two were making. I can't find Pollux but I see Lia's pink hair. I smile and remember how shocked I was too find her with pink hair. She let her little sister go with her and pick the color.

I find a bin of little pins and smile fishing out a few corney ones that I think will look good on her jacket. The puts them in the back of her leather jacket but there are a few open areas that drive me nuts.

For kicks and giggles I pick up a karaoke machine. Pollux has been saying he has a better voice than me time for him to put his money where his mouth it.

I rifle through the jackets and jump for joy when I find a denim one in his size. I kinda owe him, seeing as I spilt paint on the one he brought. In my defence, it looks better now. You can't really see how many holes it has now.

Okay, so I have two for each of them one more to go. I head over too the game section and see if  they have the one he wants. Sadly they don't, but I find the next best thing. I grape dude necklace.

After a little more exploring I find the last book of the series that Lia has been dying to read and go to the middle to wait for them.

"Alrighty, Let's get stuff we picked for Pollux first." Lia drops a bag on the ground in front of him. "Sorry if it's not what you like but I have only just met you."

"Don't worry about it too much, I'm easy to please." He pulls out a purple blanket, earphones, and a soap pump. He smiles, "Quite practical, I'll use them forever. But can I ask, why purple?"

Lia shrugs, "Your eyes, I think they are cool and u have no clue what your favorite color is."

I laugh, "It's purple. You must have be a mind reader." I hand him the things I picked out starting with the karaoke machine, I mean how can I hid that one?

He takes one look at it and smirks, just can't wait for me to embarrass you with my amazing voice."

"You know you're worse than scuttles." I hand him the jacket, "Since I ruined your last one."

He takes it and holds it up, "You've got a good eye, it's a sturdy one."

"And last but not least, a dude necklace!"

He takes it and gives me a look, "Grapes?" I smile and nods causing him to shake his head at me, "What makes it a dude necklace?"

Lia rolls her eyes. "The fact that it's short and hangs just by the color of your shirt and is shaped and that plastic thing too."

He blinks, "Okay?"

I pat his shoulder, "Don't worry to much about it." I pick up the pins and toss them at Lia, "For the love of Hades, please fill up those blank spots!"

She laughs and nods. I slide the book and bracelet too her and her face lights up. "That's the most beautiful sight ever, my soon to be favorite book and a wonderful bracelet. Thank you much."

I beam, "I'm glad you like it." I'm glad I didn't mess this up.

"I love it." She pulls out a couple boxes. "I couldn't find much, but these are really good brands."

My eyes widen. That looks like expensive art supplies. I open them and am shocked. They are in perfect condition none of the paints, brushes, or paper look like they have been touched. "Oh my gods Lia, I can't wait to use these."

She looks proud, "Good, now I'm just going to pay for these." She scoops up what she picked out, "Be back in a jiffy!"

I roll my eyes and turn back to Pollux who is holding a giant stuffed wolf with a necklace. He rubs the back of his neck, "I noticed that you were lacking in your stuffed animal collection." He flicks the necklace, "And this is your birthstone right?"

I look closely at it, "Yes. I've always wanted my birthstone." I look into Pollux's eyes, "This is amazing. Thank you." I give him a hug and then pull back.

"So I know we were supposed to pick three but I know you wouldn't have left without something for Eli and Kayden so-" he holds out earmuffs and a pack of crayons with the sharpened in the back, "-I went ahead and got them stuff. I know earmuffs are odd, considering it's barley even fall but Eli said she wanted them."

I let out a quiet laugh, "She is a odd one, but at least she's prepaired. Really Pollux thank you."

"Your welcome. And thank you, I'll cherish my necklace forever."

I laugh and we head out to pay. We collect our bags and start twords Lia. And that's when I hear it. A faint growling.

I stop and look around wildly but I can't see anything. I let out a string of Ancient Greek and turn to Pollux, "We need to get out of here, Hell Hound."

His eyes snap up and he scans the area, "Alright let's grab Ophelia." He mumbles, probably thinking I can't hear him, "Can't ever catch a break can we?'

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