Hanging with friends

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......POLLUX'S POV......
"Hey, Saph?" I look up from her phone as I ask

She grunts and tilts her head in my direction without looking away from her book.

"Who's Ophelia?"

"A friend from school, why?"

"She asked you if you could meet her in an hour."

Saphire nodds, "Thats nice."

I roll my eyes. Sometimes I swear she's an Athena kid, not an Apollo. She just started that book and is already halfway through it.

I set down her phone and wait to see if she is going to notice I was talking to her. Last time it took six minutes and about twenty-four seconds. I envy her ability to read normal books with minor difficulty, her dyslexia is not as bad as most demigods but she also has a harder time reading Greek.

I clear my throat and her eyes snap up, "What?"

"Your friend wants to hang out in about fourth two minutes."

Her brow furrows l, "What friend?"


Saphire jumps up leaps over me to get too her phone. Her fingers fly rapidly over the keys and I sit uncomfortably beneath her.

Since she lunged to get her phone, it was on the opposite side of me, her elbows are on one armrest while the she leans over the other. I feel my face heat up and focus on the ceiling.

"Schist, that's thirty minutes away." She jumps up and runs to her closet.

I shake my head and return to playing my game on Saphire's phone.

After a minute or so Saphire comes back into the room and grabs her phone. "Do you want to come?"

"Sure." I hope I didn't sound to eager, I love walking around New York. It's so much different than Virgina and the Vineyard I live in.

I say goodbye to Elenore, Eli, and Kayden before following Saphire to the mall.

I gawk at how large and crowded it is causing me to lag behind by just a moment. Evidently a moment is just enough to get separated from Saphire in this crowd. I check ahead of me before backtracking in an effort to find her.

After a minute or two I see a cool store and duck into it. It has dark gloomy plants hanging from the ceiling with a deep purple ceiling and black floors. The shelves are mahogany and filled with odds and ends. It is the coolest and creepyest place I had ever been in.

"Hello, how may I help you child?"

I startle at the voice and turn around to meet a old woman. I give her a smile, "Oh I am just trying to find my friend. I got separated from her."

The lady gives me a toothy smile, "Her? Your girlfriend?"

"No she really is just a friend." I mean, I like her but she's had a hard time already. Besides she needs a friend more than a boyfriend.

"I see. You are not from around here are you?"

I shake my head, "No ma'am."

"Would you like a palm reading? My granddaughter is very good at them."

I open my mouth to respond when I feel a hand take mine.

I look to see Saphire and a pink headed girl glaring at the woman,  "No thank you ma'am. We really need to get going."

I elbow Saphire and turn back to the old woman, "Actually, I would  like a palm reading I've always wanted to do one."

The woman laughs and leads me to the back, leaving Saphire and the pink haired girl no choice but to follow.  

I sit down at the table and the woman's granddaughter, who looks about my age, gives me a small smile and holds out her hand.

Getting the memo I place my hand in hers and she goes silent as she focuses on my palm. "Ah, you have been through so much but don't worry, your future looks bright. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

I shrug, "I have no clue, you tell me. After all you are the psychic."

She lets out a tinkling laugh. "You are sceptical but intrigued about people like me. You are from the south and a unique soul. You have suffered a tremendous loss and but recently you have had hope. You probably recently met someone who made you see life in a while new way."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Sounds interesting."

The granddaughter laughs, "Thank you for your time."

"What do I owe you?" In hindsight I shoud've asked that before I did that but it's a little late.

"No charge."

I stand and shake her hand, "Sweet, thank you so much. I hope you have a wonderful day."

I go to leave when I notice the pink haired girl blocking the way and glaring at the Granddaughter.

"Give him his wallet Tatiana."

Reflexively I reach into my pockets and find that my wallet is in fact gone. I turn to the granddaughter, who I guess is Tatiana, and give her a bewildered look.

To Tatiana's credit she shrugs and hands it back, a honest their I guess. "Old habits die hard, right Ophelia?"

The pink haired girl, Ophelia, snorts, "Yeah, should I sock you for old times sake?" Ophelia looks amused at the sour face Tatiana makes, "Well then, give his his watch back so that we can be on our way."

I am surprised as I watch Tatiana pull out the watch from her pocket. In a haste I put it back on and follow Celeste out of the store.

We walk in silence as we make our way to the food court. Once we get our food and find a table, I decide to introduce myself to break the ice

I hold out a hand, "It's nice to meet you Ophelia, My name is Pollux."

The pink haired girl gives me a once over, "Call me Ophelia again and I'll ruin that pretty face of yours." She takes my hand and gives it a hearty shake, "Sure you want to get to close to me? I used to work with Tatiana, taught her all the tricks."

Saphire rolls her eyes, "Don't worry, Lia won't get a thing off of you without me noticing."

Lia laughs, "Are you sure about that?"

"Why yes I am. In fact, after Pollux paid for his lunch you swiped twenty three dollars out of his wallet and put it back."

"Surely you can't-" I stop mid sentence as Lia pulls the money out of her pocket and throws it to me. "Saph, how in Hades did you know that?"

She smiles, "I'll never tell you."

Ophelia makes a time out motion, "Saph? What does that mean? Is that your pet name for her?" She gasps, "Are you dating?"

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Saphire shake her head but I can't tell if she is blushing. It kinda looks like it, but it could be my imagination.

"No her middle name is Saphire and her eyes are Saphire so therefore I call her that." Not to mention that I think it fits her. Blue saphires represent wisdom, is supposed to bring light into your life,  and makes you more trustful.

Saphire turns to me and glares, "My eyes are not Saphire. They. Are. Ice. Blue."

I roll my eyes, "Fine let's settle this once and for all. Lia, what color are they?"

She leans over the table and looks at her eyes. "You know, I have to agree with the purple haired freak."

Saphire rolls her eyes and I smile at her.

Ophelia tilts her head and squints before smiling like the Cheshire cat, "So, who's ready to do some shopping?"

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