The beginning

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As soon as I get to the beach, I regret it. The ocean is going crazy: huge waves pounding the beach, sea water splashing any camper that comes near, and you can't forget the guy made of water maniacally laughing. If I would have used my brain I would have realized that, as someone who can not breath water, I should have let Percy taken care of this-or at least had him go first.

The laughing dies down as Pontos senses my presence. He begins to glide towards the beach morphing the water to give him more prominent features. "Hello there child."

"Why are you here? You seemed to eager to let us come to you in my vision."

He lets out a laugh, not insane like it was earlier, but like we were old friends reminiscing. I guess that in a way you could see our situation like that. "I have come to warn you."

Percy and the others run up to the beach accompanied by chiron, Jason, and Piper. They attempt to get closer to us but Pontos waves his hand and the ocean forms a circle around us, preventing them from coming closer.

"What have you come to warn me about?"

Pontos lets out a sigh, "Those two Godlings from your vision. They don't have much time, so i'd suggest hurrying up and getting your team together." Pontos makes a dragging motion, "And just for motivation, I brought you something." 

I look behind him as a large red mass appears. I hear the angry shouts of the others and then I realize it is the dragon from my vision. I draw my sword. "Where are they?"

Pontos shakes his head, "Just because Gaea shares the same body as you doesn't mean that I will not kill you. In fact, I have a theory that it might help Gaea. That her essence that is repressed by your spirit will grow in order to replace the gap that it leaves behind." Pontos shakes his head, "Well, maybe  shouldn't kill you in case that kills her too. But I can still render you deadish if need be."

"You'll have to go through us first!" 

I glance behind me and see that Percy has made a tunnel through the wall that people are coming through.  

"What  have you done to Leo!" Piper growls as she swings her sword at Pontos. Where it connects with water and starts to freeze him.

Pontos growls and pushes Piper back. He then makes a water twister and traps her in it. Percy leaps in after her and Jason rushes at Pontos. While Pontos is distracted I clap my hands together and amplify the sound, directing it at him. Pontos laughs as the water holding his form together turns into mist.

His disembodied voice sounds gleeful, "You fools. I am the ocean and you can not harm me!"


I glance behind me in time to see Percy break free of the water trap. He makes sure that Piper is okay before turning to the ocean. "You might be made out of water but I can control it."

"Oh can you Son of Poseidon? Then control this!"

Pontos sends giant waves towards us and I can see Percy streign against them trying to wrestle control. I start to send Sonic blasts at them, trying my best to deter the water and help Percy.

"Oh Celeste, let the boy do it himself!" Pontos taunts. 

I open my mouth to speak when it is suddenly filled with water. I choke and gasp for air, but I have been surrounded in a water bubble. I tell myself to stop, but my body reacts and keeps sucking in water. I hear my friends shout my name and try to grab me from the orb but Pontos just keeps bringing it up higher and higher. I squirm in panic, my body spasming. The corners of my vision starts to turn black and just as I am about to lose consciousness I feel the water push me out.

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