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Pollux and I run twords the commotion. People stream past us, screaming and crying. I can o my imagine what they see.

When we arrive on scene I am shocked. Percy has a deep gash running from his hip to just under his armpit. He is fighting a two headed dog and the dog seems to have the upper hand

Pollux draws his sword and charges at it, but it's snake like tail sends him flying back to me. "That looks like a knock off Cerberus."

I pull out my bow and aim for the side. But the dog lunges at Percy and my shot misses. I continue to fire as I realize where I know this dog.

"His name is Orthros, he guarded Helios' cattle." I roll as Orthros charges at me and let a rain of arrows down upon him.

Percy looks pale as he charges at Orthros. He manages to nick his side. "How do we kill it?"

"Heracles killed him with a club. I'm not sure that helps us though." The snake tail knocks my bow out of my hand.

"Saphire, get Percy out of here. Throw him in a fountain or something." Pollux rams right into the side of Orthros and gouges one of his eyes out.

Percy gives a dry smile, "If this was a normal conversation I'd have a comment."

I roll my eyes at the boys as I grab Percy's arm and lead him away. I start scanning my surroundings when I feel heavy footsteps approaching. I stop and turn a slow circle in search of the source. I my hearing picks up on a low growl and I zero in on area.

Percy gives me a questionable look, "Celeste? What-"

He doesn't get to finish that sentence before I push him to the ground as a mutated lion barley misses us.

Percy let's out a string of Ancient Greek cusses. "That's the Chimera. And I am sure his mom is close by."

"Percy, you need to get out of here. You've lost a good deal of blood." He opens his mouth to argue, "Look, I have some ambrosia but you need to either leave or get some magical water healing done and come back. We need to focus and we can't be watching you too."

Percy starts to argue and I sigh. I really hope he'll forgive me for this. I gather up my most controlling dominating memories and channel them into my semblance of charm speak.

"Percy, go find a fountain." His body starts moving, but I see his eyes. They chill me to the Bone and I remember that he might be easy going but he is the scariest person out there.

I turn back to the fight and draw my sword. I charge at the Chimera who seems to want to chase after Percy.

The Chimera swipes at me and it catches my arm before I can move. I wince and stab at his paw but he rears up.

While he is unbalanced, I take a deep breath and let out a Sonic scream causing the Chimera to fall backwards. It buys me enough time to doge Orthros as he lunges at me to protect his brother.

Together Pollux and I flank him and as one we move. The poor thing can only doge one of us and ends up with Pollux's celestial Bronze sword through his stomach. Orthros turns to gold dust and we each try to catch our breath.

My blood runs cold as I remember the Chimera, who has probably recovered my now. I look to where I left it and then scan the area. Pollux let's out a gasp and I feel it behind me. I roll to the side and stab it with my sword.

The Chimera runs full speed at Pollux who is backed against a tree. My gut tugs as the Chimera closes in. I try to scream but the ground starts to sway. My limbs begin to tingle as the ground starts to shake.

The Chimera sways on it's feet and can't keep balance and falls over. Taking advantage of the situation, Pollux leaps into it's stomach.

Feeling nauseous and dizzy, I take a step forward just to sway as the earth continues to shake. I fall to my knees as a piercing pain shoots through me. I hear Pollux's call out to me but everything is hazy. I vaguely see the Chimera lashing out at me with it's snake tail.

I prepaire for the blow, the deadly poision that will kill me. But it never comes. Opening my eyes I gasp as I see Pollux blocked it's path.

"No. Oh gods no." I whisper as Pollux gives me a sad smile and falls to the ground, the snakes head still attached.

Despite the quaking earth and all the pain it brings me, I manage to cut the head off and shove some ambrosia in Pollux's mouth.

"Please hang on, please."

I cradle Pollux's head in my arms as I look around, hoping for a miracle.

Percy decides to rush up and deliver the final blow to the Chimera at this moment. I decide I have never been happier to see him. But judging from the look in his eyes, he disagrees.

He fixes me with a look that makes me cower. I can practically taste the anger coming off of him as he looks at me. For a second I think he is going to yell at me, but then he sees Pollux and his anger fades.

"Help me get him to my appartment."

Numbly I nod and together we hold him between us as we carry him back. Each step is tourture and my vision is swimming. I fear I will pass out but I will myself to keep going. After all, it's my fault Pollux is like this. Who knows how many other people are hurt.

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