Why Are You Here

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It's been a week since Ophelia's break down and she seems to be back to normal. The girls haven't bothered her and the earthquakes stopped, so I thought the rest of the month would be calm.

So when Grover Underwood showed up at my door with Percy behind him, I knew I was wrong.

Currently Eli, Percy, Grover, and I are sitting on the assorted chairs in my room.

"So, what brings you here Grover?" I ask him since he decided he wanted to tell me and Percy together.

"There has been earthquakes here recently and the Council and  I think it's coming from a strong demigod. We've tracked them to your guys school."

My heart drops too my toes, "How would you know who?"

Grover points to his nose, "I'd be able to smell them."

I have a problem. Should I tell them it's me? I mean, they wouldn't be that mad would they? I sigh.

"So you going to school with us G-man?" Percy grins, "Just like the old times."

Grover snorts, "Let's just hope that your math teacher doesn't attack you again."

They both laugh and start talking about what happened that day and I look at Eli. She is following along on thier story and looks memorized. I still wonder what would have happened if I went on that field trip. But I guess things worked out in the end, I so have Eli back.

"So Percy, how is your Mom?"

"She's doing good, she has just had Estelle. When I left she was making Cookies."

I swear Grover's eyes get stars in them, "Cookies?"

"Yeah, you want to come over?" Grover jumps up and one of his shoes comes flying off. Percy tosses it back to him and turns to Eli and I, "You guys can come too, you do need to try some blue cookies."

Eli nods, "I like cookies, lead the way!"

I chuckle and trail behind them as the walk to Percy's appartment. When we walk in I stand in awe at how homely this place looked. At my mom's house we didn't really have much and at Aunt Elenore's she gives us what we need and want but it still looks like we are guests there.

But here, you can tell that a family lives here. Baby stuff is everywhere and jackets and shoes. Folders and binders on every surface. It's nice, it makes it look like a living area where everyone is welcome. It's all tidy but it's all still there.

A woman walks into the room and gives us a warm smile, "Percy, I see you brought Grover. Who are your other friends?"

Percy points to Eli, "This is Eli-" And then to me, "and Celeste. They live on our floor and go to camp with us."

The woman smiles and pulls us into a hug, "I'm Sally. It's nice to meet you all. Come to the table and the cookies will be done in a minute."

Before I can say anything Grover and Eli make a mad dash to the table. I go to follow when somebody else comes into the room.

I blink and glance at Percy before turning back to my teacher. "Mr. Blofis?"

He looks up from the baby he is holding and gives me a smile, "Hello Celeste, I was wondering when I'd see you around here." I must looks really confused because, he continues. "I'm Sally's husband."

I nod my head really slowly before it clicks. I spin and smack Percy's shoulder, "When were you going to tell me?"

He smirks, "I wasn't. That look you gave him was priceless."

I grumble and make my way into the kitchen just in time for the cookies to be brought out. I grab one and try it, "Wow, Mrs. Sally these are amazing."

"Thank you, and just Sally is fine." I nod and take a seat, "So how long have you guys been going to camp?"

"Celeste was there part of the winter and all summer, I didn't make it till about halfway summer through." Eli keeps shoveling cookies in her mouth.

Paul looks at us strangely before having a silent conversation with his wife. He turns back to us, "Who's your godly parent?"


"How long have you guys been living here? I don't think I've seen you around before." Sally asks.

"We just moved here. I was shocked when Percy and Celeste came to pick me up from school."

Paul smiles, "How come you guys moved. Your mom get a new job?"

Eli freezes but I step in, "No we moved in with our Aunt. Our moms still living in Oklahoma."

Sally gives us a concerned look, "Is she okay?" She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

I return it and give her a smile, "She will be."

"If you guys ever need anything just tell us okay?" Paul puts the baby in the crib by the table, "Well be here."

"Thank you guys, that's very kind of you."

The conversation moves on to lighter topics and I can't help but feel at home here. It's so relaxing and calm.

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