My OTPs/What I'll Write

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I've been shipping people since before I knew what shipping was. (And I've been coming up with fanfiction before I knew what that was either, but that's another story.) I usually find at least one couple to ship in every show/movie I watch, but only a few have ever driven me to write about them. (Or made me want to write about them because I haven't actually written anything for most of them . . . yet.)

These aren't in order of how much I care about them. I've arranged them in the order I was introduced to them/started shipping them.

1. Han Solo and Leia Organa

Ah, I never remember how much I miss these two until I see them

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Ah, I never remember how much I miss these two until I see them. I used to be soooo obsessed with Star Wars and I loved these two so much. They were the first people I really shipped and they were my OTP when I discovered fanfiction and what an OTP was. I really don't like what was done with them in the new trilogy (though I could rant about that disaster of a trilogy for hours . . . and I have). I never actually read that much fanfiction about them and I haven't really written anything either. At least, not anything published.

My first dip into writing fanfiction was for Han and Leia. I was fifteen and I wrote in a Force Awakens notebook with square ruled paper. I didn't get very far in the story but I still go back to it from time to time. I recently erased everything in that notebook, having typed it all up, and started rewriting it and trying to improve it. I haven't really done much, but I'll probably keep going at some point.

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze

This is the only one of my ships that doesn't end up together

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This is the only one of my ships that doesn't end up together. [insert sad face] They're such a great couple and they deserved a happy ending, but instead Satine [SPOILER ALERT] is murdered by Darth Maul to get revenge on Obi-Wan. 

Obi-Wan was always my favourite Prequel character and I was so glad he was given a love interest in the Clone Wars. Satine quickly became my favourite Clone Wars character and I was devastated when she died. (Fun fact: I nicknamed my best friend 'Duchess' after her because there was a brief moment when her hair reminded me of the Duchess.)

I haven't actually written anything about these two, but I have so many ideas. Well, one idea with a lot of stories. I actually bought a couple of notebooks specifically for writing the story, but I never got around to it because of the next couple . . .

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