Smudgy Glasses

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Yeah, so it's been almost a year since I wrote anything in this book and I'm writing a chapter about smudgy glasses. So what? I can do what I like.

It really is amazing what a difference cleaning your glasses makes. I remember when I first got my glasses and I couldn't stand having even one smudge on the lenses. I was constantly cleaning them because it was just so distracting and I couldn't focus on anything when there was even a tiny smudge in the way. I have a lot of friends who wear glasses too and I just couldn't understand how they could go without cleaning their glasses every ten minutes.

Of course, I eventually got used to it and now I'll go a whole month or more without cleaning my glasses at all. Today I picked them up and I realised just how smudged they were so I finally cleaned them and it's always like I CAN SEEEEEEEEE AGAIN!!!!!!!! I mean, it really makes such a big difference.

Anyway, enough of my pointless ranting. I'm supposed to be writing a book. Actually, I'm supposed to be writing six books. Oh, well.

Have a great day! Stay safe!


Published: 10 May 2020.

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