November 16, 2018

135 6 2

Today was interesting. We didn't have school and a number of the students have gone home for the weekend so there was a town trip for the kids left on campus. We were going to a mall called Two Rivers. They had gone there last year but this was my first time. We got there and my dad was supervising as a lot of the kids were playing on a trampoline and with bumper cars. I hadn't had breakfast so I was hungry. I was writing for a little then eventually we went to get food. Unfortunately, the only restaurant my mom knew of wasn't there anymore. Everyone was stressed and snapping at each other so I was getting stressed and I started snapping at everyone. 

We ended up going to Burger King for lunch. It was my first time in a Burger King. My brother got fries and my mom and I got onion rings. (We're vegetarian.) I think we each got nine and I ate all but one of mine. The reason I didn't eat the last one was not that I was full but because I was tired of the grease in my mouth. I'm pretty sure I'm never going back to a Burger King again.

I was really stressed so, when we went to the grocery store, I got two bags of gummy candy: one of cherry gummies and one of cola gummies. Now, I'm very happy.

The trip back was so hot. Before we left, they said it was going to take one and a half hours. We were supposed to leave by 2:00 but half the kids at Maxwell (my school) run on African time (aka they always come late) so we didn't leave until about 2:20. We got back to campus just before 4:30. Thankfully, I slept through most of the trip.

Now, my brother reminded me that I need to find my 3D glasses for Sunday and I have no idea where they are. I even just cleaned my room recently. I hope it wasn't in any of the stuff I took out of my room because then I'll have to go through all that stuff and there's a lot of it.

My Random LifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt