Random Fact #2

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Here's another fact about me.

I get obsessed with things way too easily. It's ridiculous. I'll watch something new and become so obsessed with it that I'll be imagining all sorts of scenarios in my mind and I'll be perfectly content to watch it over and over again until either my obsession ends or is replaced by something else. I always feel so bad when I'm forming an obsession because I know it may not last long and I have not idea how long it will last.

My brain when I find a new movie to be obsessed with: Oh no, not another one. I feel so bad for this poor movie. She'll love it so much at first but it will never last . . .

Anyway, a few of my obsessions do manage to last. The first one was Star Wars. I first watched it when I was 12. I loved it. I wasn't crazy about the prequel trilogy but the original trilogy was my favorite. Episode V and Episode VI were my favorite movies at the time. Han and Leia were my first OTP and my first attempts at fanfiction were about them. Sometimes I still go back and try to continue my books, but not much. However, I haven't watched Star Wars recently. The new movies annoyed me so much that I stopped watching any of them. I still like the series though.

My next obsession was Harry Potter. I read it when I was 15 going on 16. Then I saw the movies a few months later. I really liked them and Tonks and Remus almost replaced Han and Leia as my OTP. I still really like Harry Potter and intent to read the books again. We went to Scotland this summer to visit a few Harry Potter related places. However, before I could become a complete Harry Potter fan, November 18, 2016 came. 

I didn't actually see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them until December 16. However, I loved it immediately and Newtina quickly became my OTP. That's when I started writing fanfiction. Two years later I saw Crimes of Grindelwald and continued writing. I still love these movies and am patiently waiting for the next one. (Surprisingly, I actually mean patiently.)

My most recent obsession is Doctor Who. Somebody recommended I watch it and that's all I've been watching for several months and it's literally all I talk about. I don't know how long it will last by I really do love the show and can't wait for the next season. I ship the Doctor and River nearly as much as Newtina. I intend to write a chapter giving my opinion of this show so I won't say more here.

Anyway, that's all I have to say. I'll just add that I love watching 60's Doctor Who. I mean, the effects are so obvious but still so charming. Just look at this picture.

It's so obvious where they pieced two images together

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It's so obvious where they pieced two images together. It doesn't match in the slightest but they can still get away with it.

Anyway, have a good day!


Written August 7, 2019.

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