The Rooms

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I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, they belong to Uncle Rick and J.K Rowling.

Bold is the Author, Italic is thoughts, underlined is greek or latin, Underlined italics is Italian and Spanish

This is the only time I am going to use pictures

Percy POV

After I ate 5 blue sausages, 8 puddings (which can barely be called pudding), 2 cups of hot chocolate and 3 scoops of mash, it was time for bed.

"Where will you be staying, huh?" Harry made a weird face, scrunching up his nose in a look of disgust. "sleeping on the ground I expect!"

"Actually," I interrupted, "You forget that we have 5 romans, a son and daughter of Hephaestus and a 3 children of Athena with us." I turned to them. "We want a modern house with custom rooms, a swimming pool and everything we need."

They nodded and everyone watched in fascination as Reyna and Annabeth made the blueprints, Hazel, Neville and Frank got the material, Luna and Drakey argued about the structure and Leo grabbed tools out of his toolbelt with Ginny reminding him about what to get and stealing his fonzies. Frank got to work, heaving and pulling the material into the right places, my Bro lifted it up with air to set them in the right place and Leo gluing and hammering and Ginny drilling them together and cutting the stuff. Reyna and Calypso were talking about the rooms and how to make them magic to fit the person. I still feel bad about blowing Circe's island up and not checking to see if they released Caly. Wise Girl was designing the rooms to everyones' taste.

"Should the couples go together? Should the walls be soundproof?" She asked me.

"I think the couples should go together so that we can comfort each other when a nightmare comes and I think the walls should be soundproof unless a monster is in there, in which you should put in an alarm." I replied.

"Wow! He said something intellectual!" Thalia exclaimed.

I stuck out my tongue, very maturely I might add.

Anyway, Pinecone Face went off to help her Queen with the electricity, after laughing at Reyna shocking herself 361 times and swearing in rapid Spanish that none of us understood.

After 2 hours with an audience, me, Nico, Severus and Will doing nothing except to fill holes with water, make holes, fix minor injuries (meaning 10 minutes of laughing at Jason for hitting his head on a brick AGAIN. We really need to make a ship name) and joking around, we had made the house.

It was huge, covering most of the grounds. The swimming pool was connected to the lake and I found out that the squid's name was Zack and he was lonely. It had 6 floors. There was a cinema and a dungeon in the basement, an outside sitting area and a kitchen on the first floor, our rooms on the second floor with a balcony, an entertainment floor with a library, a game room, a snack bar (with blue cookies), and a room full of mattresses and blanket with pillows for sleepovers, a training floor with a room full of dummies and weapons, a gym and a climbing wall and a garden on the top of our house. 

"We did good bro." I said to Jason.

"You mean everyone except you, Nico, Will and Sevvy bro?"

"Yeah bro."

Neville sighed. "Let's just go in."




"Let's do that."

We went inside, leaving a gaping crowd behind us.

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