The Flight

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I don't own Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus or Harry Potter. They belong to J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan.

Bold is Author, Italics is thoughts, Underlined is Greek/Latin, Underlined italics is Italian and Spanish

Reyna POV

At one point during the flight, Leo and Percy got bored, took out their phones and started blasting Fall Out Boy. Thalia, Nico and I were the only ones who were fine with this. Everyone else was chasing him. Thalia hugged me from behind as I talked with Nico about our powers and our crowns.

He briefed me on my newfound powers and we wondered about how our crown stayed on our heads and why our armour wasn't weighing us down. We concluded that they were magic. My brother then tried to take off his crown, me and my girlfriend laughing at him when it wouldn't come off. I snuggled into my Thalia, our wings flapping together.

"How are you feeling my queen?" Thalia whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Amazing my love."

I turned, my wings surprisingly obscure enough to shield us from any prying eyes. I pulled her close, breathing down on her sweet spot. Thalia exhaled shakily and kissed me forcefully. I responded back with the same passion, pulling her close by the waist. I nipped at her bottom lip, earning a small gasp out of her. I pulled back, hating that I needed air. I blushed red when I realised that both of us were on fire. So this is how Leo feels. We patted each other out and I glanced at Nico and Hazel.

We all did the insane smirk again that only children of Hades could pull off and shouted in unison, "Race you!"

We all put some speed in, Hazel, Nico and I pulling into first, second and third. I was first because my wingspan was so big that it easily caught a lot of wind, Nico pulling in second because he just had more energy than both of us and our dear sister was in third because she was smaller by half a foot.

We carried along, faster now, but still in the same light, joking manner that we were in before.


We had just gotten snacks from the trolley lady. I started stuffing my face with chocolate frogs and I glanced out the window.

"Look!" I yelled, my voice muffled from the sweets.

We all peered out of the window. I caught sight of them again. A group of 12 things, with wings big enough to block out the sun, flying right above us. They were half obscured by clouds but they were there. We all gasped. They suddenly vanished. I frowned. Where did they go?

All the way through the ride, I tried to catch glimpses of them, but they had vanished. I sighed. I peered up at Hogwarts getting closer to us. I smiled. I was finally where I could boss everyone, even the teachers, around. They wouldn't dare question The Defeater of Voldemort, The Brightest Witch of Her Age and me, Their King.

Hazel POV

I looked up ahead to my new sister. She looked so carefree and happy when she was flying. I even caught a peek of her and Thalia making out and had to fan myself for a few seconds. She was soaring, doing twirls, spins and loops, laughing away like there wasn't a care in the world.

I smiled slightly and held Frank's hand.

Piper POV

I scanned around to look at all of my friends, testing my new powers that were given by Hera. They all had a certain aura. Percy and Annabeth had sea green and grey, Frank and Hazel had red and gold, Leo and Calypso had orange and white, Will and Nico had yellow and black, Thalia and Reyna had silver and black and Jason had sky blue and hot pink surrounding him. 

I glanced up to the death trio, in awe of their wings. I started as Jason wrapped his arms around me. I tilted my head to look at his eyes and leaned in, my lips barely brushing his.

"Race you." I whispered before flapping my wings and speeding off to catch up with Reyna.

"Gods, you are such a tease!" He groaned, chasing after me.

I flew up to Reyna and hid behind her wings.

"Help! Jason wants to kill me! Please hide me!" I pleaded to Reyna.

She smirked and flapped her enormous wings, spinning me as I tumbled through the air. I pouted as my fiancé caught up with me and peppered my face with kisses. I smiled. We were all so carefree, I never wanted to come down.

Nico POV

We had been flying for a good few hours. I thought it was time to plan our grand entrance. I called everyone over to discuss it.

"Maybe we could fly in through the doors of the Great Hall and scare the shit out of them!" Percy added in.

"Or we could eat a bunch of skittles and give them a show!" Leo shouted excitedly.

"NO!!!" We all screamed, terrified.

"How about we all walk in with our wings tucked in behind us and looking cold. The Big Three kids have the aura of royalty and we are all wearing armour and capes. It will make them intimidated and respectful." Annabeth put in.

She was always the smart one. We all decided that we should do Annabeth's plan and soared on, Thalia and Percy challenging each other to a race.

"You only won because you pushed me back using the wind!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did no-"

"Guys!" I interrupted again, "We're here!"

They stopped arguing and peered down. There was a castle, impressive, but not a good as Olympus. Annabeth was unimpressed.

"The beams are all structured wrong! The wood is not thick enough to hold the floors up! Combine that with the weight of the stone, which is approximately 2.345 pounds for each brick, it would have crumbled to dust if it weren't for the magic!" She ranted.

Percy hugged her waist and she calmed down.

"Remember the plan!" I yelled as my bone wings rattled and flapped.

Reyna, our unelected leader, as she is the most mature one, gave the signal for us to descend, unconsciously forming a triangle formation on the way down. 

Percy POV

"We're off the see the wizard! the wonderful wizard of OZ!" I yelled before shooting down after my cousins.

Reyna POV

I sighed.


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