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I don't own Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus or Harry Potter. They belong to J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan.

Bold is Author, Italics is thoughts, Underlined is Greek/Latin, Underlined italics is Italian and Spanish

Nico POV

Ok so I know that it's 'traditional' for the boy to propose, but we're both boys, so it would make sense for me to propose, right? RIGHT? I got out the ring I had. It was a ring of stygian iron with a small golden jubilee diamond in the shape of a sun. Having the god of riches as my dad does have some perks. 

I took him to the beach......then shadow-travelled to McDonalds.


Now before I started dating Will, I had no idea what a clavicle was, now I know that it's just a fancy word for your collarbone.

"No you're not because you love me!"

Will sighed and nodded his head. "Alright, you got me there Sunshine. So, what are we doing at McDonalds, restocking your stocks or because you're hungry?"

Here goes nothing. "So, umm, I'm not very good at speeches so I'll keep this short. I have loved you for 3 months and I know that's not very long but neither is a Demigod's life so, what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me Will Dominique Solace?"

Will looked shocked. "I-I don't know what to say.."

I smirked,"Well the usual thing to say would be a yes or a no love"

"Its a yes Sunshine!" Will laughed with tears in his eyes.

I smiled, tears rolling down may face. I had a fiancee! I grabbed onto his arm and shadow- travelled us back to camp, much to Will's annoyance and gathered a few of our closest friends, meaning The 7 (Leo had arrived after a month of 'dying' with Calypso), Reyna, Thalia, The Stoll Brothers, The Gardiner sisters, Lou Ellen, Clarisse, Chris, Chiron, Dakota and Gwen.

"Alright so we have an announcement," Will said because I wasn't bothered to talk anymore.

"Is Nico pregnant?" Percy asked,

"No he isn't, It is impossible for a man to have babies, he hasn't got a womb or-"

"Ok stop arguing Annabeth, no we are not pregnant Percy, we are engaged!"

Everyone cheered and we agreed to announce it at the campfire.

Timeskip called Bob and his niece Zoë

It is the campfire and I am so nervous. I stood up.

"As you know, ummm, the lifespan of a Demigod is very short so, uhhh,  well I kinda proposed to Will?" It came out as a question but at least I said it.

Everyone started cheering and shouting questions.

"Where did you propose to him?"

"what was the reaction?"

Can I look at the ring?"

Will and I (Gods hanging out with Annabeth is messing with my grammar) quickly shut the questions down.

"McDonalds, Happy and Here" I held up Will's hand so that everyone could see the ring.

"Now I'm tired so I will be heading off to bed. Goodnight!" With that, I turned, dragging Will, to my cabin, opened the door and jumped on my bed, shutting the door behind me.

I had redecorated the entire cabin so that the beds were black, gold and silver with a red bed post, the windows were tinted and had thick curtains on them to keep the sunlight out, and the floor was made of marble with carvings of gems and skeletons on the tiles.

I snuggled closer to Will and fell asleep with my head resting on his chest.

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