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In which Forth can only be jealous of someone he could never be.

First Semester, First Year

Forth sat down at his usual table. The rest of his gang were nowhere to be seen. Lam and Tul had a presentation together, which Forth already done with Park yesterday. But the said partner of his had to follow Max to meet the hazers for the upcoming hazing activity.

And Forth was too busy with the Moon and Star competition so the seniors forbid him to manage the freshmen and let someone else be their leader. Forth did not understand why it was such a big deal though, it was just a Moon and Star competition.

It has been a week since he last saw a certain Baramee around. The guy stopped hanging out in their faculty after that lunch.

"I knew you not so long ago, but I already saw you cried twice."

Forth blinked. He remained seated in his seat as he continued to think. Beam saw him crying? Twice? When and where?

"Is there something wrong recently, or you're the type of person who likes to bottle things up and it explodes now?"

Forth blinked again. He was not sure. No matter how hard he thought, he was still not sure.

Was he?

Forth sighed.

If he were to think about it from a while back, Forth was the most calm amongst the three brothers. The most quiet one.

His oldest brother, Mew, was quite hot-headed. That hot-headed trait came out as a result of his caring nature. He was so protective, he could get mad easily when risks of danger came to people he cared for.

Forth still remember how Mew threw a rage fit when Forth was in his middle school just because he found out Forth was punched in the face. Forth was calm throughout the whole chaos, trying to pull his oldest brother away from the stupid boy. That stupid boy knew enough after that to not mess with Jaturaphoom Jamornhum.

Forth could never forget how Mew trained him to fight after that, saying that Forth would be in danger once the oldest graduated from the school. That stupid boy who decided to punch him before got on Mew's blacklist, and ended up transferring to another school. It took Forth a solid year to calm Mew down about that incident.

Funnily enough, that hot-headed guy who Forth spent years trying to calm his possessive side down but failed, became calmer just like a miracle when he started to date Gulf.

Forth blinked. "That's probably why mom and dad accepted P'Gulf so easily."

Then, there was Wai, the middle child of Jamornhum, brutally honest and straightforward one. Always talking, always saying something. Sometimes you're happy with what he said, sometimes you just do not really care, yet most of times you'd feel like shoving a bread into his mouth because his words are really...not ear friendly.

Strangely enough, Earth liked him enough to be his boyfriend up until now. That was probably why their parents accept him eventually.

"Only P'Earth can make P'Wai shut up." Forth muttered.

And then, there was Forth. The calmest and most quiet one among the three, not much of a trouble maker compared to his siblings, the 'jewel of the Jamornhum' with lesser controversy and news.

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