A chirp from Nolwi

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Nolwi: The ending was not supposed to be the end, but it was, in the end.

Beam: What nonsense are you saying, Nolwi?

Nolwi: .... Uh...

Forth: Beam, be nice.

Beam: I am being nice. But Nolwi let Jian ended the story with me being jealous and upset. That's mean!

Forth: Nolwi, is there a continuation for this? I am sure you guys have one. Right...?

Nolwi: Actually Jian did not –

Beam: ...ugh.

Nolwi: –finished the story yet!

Forth: Oh, thank goodness. So we will have an update soon?

Nolwi: ...we will...? Maybe after Jian finished typing the latest stories first.

Beam: How is this fair? I am hurting in the other story. I am always the one hurting! Can we stop hurting the Beam Baramee for once?

Nolwi: ...uh...

Forth: I am sure Jian is currently writing the happy parts, now that the sad parts are posted. Right, Nolwi?

Beam: Really?

Nolwi: Y-yeah! Jian does! Surely! I will make sure it will be a happy Beam Baramee!

Beam: Good.

Forth: The ending was not supposed to be the end, and fortunately it does not end yet.

Beam: Who are you talking to?

Forth: Them.

Beam: Oh! We will see you guys on 8th May for another lunch date!

Forth: Why would you decide on a date so randomly?

Beam: We need to force Jian out of that corner and actually type something. Otherwise, this kid is just going to ignore us forever.

Forth: Oh. Then.. See you guys on 8th May!

Nolwi: I don't think we should–

Beam: See you!

Jian, in the corner, buried deep in writing: I feel a sudden urge to make a tall cute flirty baby cry again.

Jian, in the corner, buried deep in writing: I feel a sudden urge to make a tall cute flirty baby cry again

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See you on 8th May! Until then, have a nice time!

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