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I don't know how we ended up completely wasted and standing outside of the Traphouse pool with the entire friend group. I really couldn't tell you.

"We really going to do this?" asked Reggie.

"I think we are," said Kevin.

"Why the FUCK did y'all put skinny dipping on that list?" asked Corey.

"More importantly, why are 15 of us doing it together?" asked Jake.

"We're leaving on our underwear and shit, it's fine," said Cassie.

"That doesn't count as real skinny dipping, then," said Reggie.

"Do you want the entire group to see you naked, bud?" asked Tara.

"Point taken. This definitely counts," said Reggie. And, with that, we were all soon standing there without our clothes before plunging into the pool. Was it weird? Yes. But none of us were showing much more than what a swimsuit would cover, so it wasn't too awkward being with everyone.

"This has turned out to be a quality group activity," said Jake.

"Hey, do you guys want to go camping?" I asked.

"What, like right now?" asked Sam.

"No, not right now. Silly goose. Maybe this weekend? It's on the list and it sounds fun," I said.

"I'm in," said Jake.

"Sure," said Corey.

"As long as Colby doesn't get lost in the woods again," said Sam.

"As long as no one lets me get lost in the woods," said Colby.

"I'll put a leash on you," I said.

"So she kinky kinky," said Jake, earning him a splash in the face from Colby.

"Dude, we've kissed like twice. Chill," said Colby.

"My bad, my bad," Jake replied, holding his hands up in defense.

"Are you guys dating yet?" Jess asked, jutting her head in between Colby and me.

"No, Jessica," I said.

"Hey, you didn't point out that I said yet. You like him," she teased.

"Give her a break," Colby said.

"And you definitely like her," Jess said.

"What makes you say that?" asked Jake. "I know the answer, I just want you to say it in front of Rose."

"Because if you weren't at that hospital during visiting hours, you were in your room feeling miserable because you couldn't see Rose. That, my dear friend, is what we call love," said Jess. "She didn't let me in either, but I knew I'd get to see her eventually. I didn't mope around all day."

"Woah, no need to expose me like that," Colby said.

"No, I think it was needed," I laughed.

"Of course you do," he mumbled.

"Jake! Sam! Corey! Chicken, let's go!" called Tara, drawing everyone away from us.

"But don't you and Eli have a thing?" Colby asked, turning to me.

"The first thing I did when I saw you was kiss you. Do you really think I'd do that right after seeing Eli?" I asked.

"Well why did you ask to see him first?"

"To tell him that I just wanted to be friends," I replied.

"Wait, really?" he asked.

"Really. And I had no idea what to say to you because I thought it was very likely that you hated me."

"I could never hate you," he replied.

"I might just have to believe that," I responded.

"Kiss her, bitch," Tara yelled from the other side of the pool.

"Here?" asked Colby.

"What, are you scared?" asked Reggie.

"Shut up, no one even likes you," I said.

"What have I done to you?" asked Reggie.

"I have several points. First of all,—,"

But before I could argue back, Colby kissed me.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to listen to that. Tara gives that speech at least once a week," he said.

"I do not!" yelled Tara.

"More like every day," said Reggie. Sam swam over to the edge of the pool near Colby and me and pulled himself up onto the edge.

"So where should we go camping?" he asked.

"You always plan these things as soon as we have the idea," said Colby.

"Nothing wrong with that. I can't imagine not doing something last minute," I replied.

"Any spots in mind? I've got a few if you guys don't," Sam said.

"No, Sam. I do not have any ideas," said Colby.

"Me neither. Let's hear what you've got," I said.

"Okay, well, there's Crater Lake in Oregon, Conestoga Ranch in Utah, Devil's Tower in Wyoming, Estes Park in Colorado," he listed.

"Ooh, I really like Oregon," I said.

"Same. Let's do that one," said Colby.

"Alright, I'll get on that tomorrow," said Sam.

"Not right this second?" asked Colby.

"No, I already checked my phone. I can't make a reservation until 7am," he said.

"Nerd," I coughed.

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