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I hopped into the car and turned it on. I was about to drive away when I heard screaming coming from the house next door, the one on the other side that wasn't the Playboy Mansion.

I wandered down to the sidewalk and looked over at the house next to me where I saw a bunch of people in the yard all covered in what appeared to be paint. I turned to go back to my new house when something warm hit my back.

"Shit!" I heard a guy yell. I turned around to see everyone that was in the yard standing on the sidewalk staring at me.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Uh... a water balloon full of blue paint," said one of the guys standing amongst the group.

"Damn it, Jake. You had to hit some stranger with a paint balloon?" asked a blonde guy. "We are so sorry. My name's Sam, this is Jake, Corey, Kat, Tara, and Devyn."

"I'm Rose," I said.

"We're so sorry. You'll never have to see us again, I swear," said Corey.

"Actually, I will," I said. "I'm your new neighbor."

"Oh, shit," said Jake. "I'm really sorry."

"No, it's cool," I said.

"What did you dumbasses do now?" someone asked, walking out of the house. I looked up and saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me.

"Colby, meet Rose. She's our new neighbor."

"No way," Colby said, a huge smile scrawling itself across his face.

"No way is right. Do you seriously live here?" I asked.

"Yeah! I live with all of these losers," Colby said, motioning to the group of people I'd just met.

"And we can barely afford it. How the hell are you paying for that giant house? How many roommates do you have?" asked Jake.

"Jeez, babe. A little rude to ask someone you just met," said Tara.

"No, it's okay. My aunt passed away recently and she left everything to me. Including the house," I said.

"Well I need a tour soon. That house is way bigger than ours and I've been dying to see what the inside looks like ever since we all moved out here," said Kat.

"Same!" said Devyn.

"Yes, of course. I'd love to show you sometime. Not tonight, though. I've got to head home and get to sleep before work tomorrow," I said. "And I thought you were busy tonight?" I asked, looking at Colby.

"Yes. I'm working," he replied.

"And by working he means filling water balloons up with paint for my new video," said Sam.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Corey asked, pointing between Colby and me.

"Yeah, we met last night," I said.

"Oh, so this is that girl you won't shut up about," said Jake.

"Jake! Shut up!" Colby said.

"Hm. Maybe Jess was right," I said.

"About what?" asked Colby.

"She said you're in love with me," I replied.

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