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 "Merry Christmas Eve, Mi Amore."

"Merry Christmas Eve, baby I love you."

"I love you more than anything in this world." 

The bedroom door slammed open and before the young couple could process what was happening, the two felt a heavyweight land across them. Milo leaned into their ears and screamed loudly.


Florence flew up, shoved her brother off her bed and jumped onto her boyfriend, who had just rolled back over and fallen to sleep again. Grabbing his face, she smacked a kiss on his lips and squished his face. 

Groaning, Dylan placed his left hand against the back of his girlfriend's neck and pulled her closer. They seemed to forget that there was a third person in the room and he was currently covering his ears while screaming for them to stop.

Chuckling, both of them turned to look at him and stuck their tongues out at him, all while he was still screaming like a banshee. Rolling her eyes, Florence rolled off her lover and got off the bed. Making her way over to her idiot of a brother, she pulled his hands off his face and slapped the back of his head.

"Dumbo, we stopped like two (2) minutes ago and because you were being a drama queen, covering your eyes, you could not see that. Merry Christmas by the way, Mimi."

Ruffling her hair, he smiled and just blew a raspberry at her, then got up. Walking out the room, he shouted behind him, telling them to get in their Christmas onesies and get downstairs to the living room.

Walking over to her closet, she pulled out a snowman onesie and a gingerbread man one. In Dylan's words, she was his little snowman because she was so pale and he was so tan, that he reminded her of Gingy from the Shrek movies.

Tossing it over to her boyfriend, she stopped what she was doing and just gawked at him getting undressed. Licking her lips, she felt her body get extremely hot and her mind was filled with dirty, erotic thoughts. 

Looking up from buttoning his onesie, he saw her expressions and a smirk spread across his face. Strolling over to her, she watched as he grabbed the hem of her sleep shirt and lifted it up over her head. Dropping her onesie, she placed her arms up in the air and let him reveal her pink lace underwear. 

Kissing right below her left ear, he nipped her earlobe and heard her breath hitch. Smiling, he pulled back, leaned down and picked up the outfit that she dropped. Putting it into her hand, he gave a kiss on the lips and told her to hurry up and get dressed, everybody was waiting for them. 

Florence's mouth fell agape and she could not believe he just did that to her. It was so evil, but then she remembered that she had done that to him just yesterday. Poking her bottom lip out into a pout, she started sulking as she dressed. 

Taking one look at her face, Dylan doubled over laughing cause she looked so dejected and defeated. Pulling her hood up, he ruffled her head and gave her a peck on the forehead. This little act of affection caused her to stop being a big sad baby and had her perked up. 

"C'mon, Mi Amore. Let's go open up some presents and have a good Christmas Day!"

Holding one another's hand, the pair walked out of the room and practically skipped their way down the stairs. Flying through the doorway of the living room, the two landed on the apple green bean bag that was on the floor, near the big tree. 

"Nice of you two to finally join us."

"Sorry, mom, I had to get Florence to wake up fully."

Whipping her head to the side to face him, she glared at him incredulously because that was a lie. She was the wide-awake one and he only fully woke up when she threw their onesies at him for him to get dressed.  

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