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"Amore, is that you?"

Dylan Rode had just gotten into the cab at the airport, when his phone started ringing. Looking at the screen, he saw that it was his old best friend, Milo Green.

"What's up my man?"

The familiar tone passed through the phone, "Hey dude, just letting you know that mum and dad are having a welcome home party. You and your folks are invited, it starts at seven thirty (7:30 PM.)"

"Alright, I'll be there. I'm in a cab on my way home, then gonna go to the Moon Dance Diner. You busy or do you want to meet up?"

"I gotta help set up, but if I can before the party, I'll shoot you a text."

"Alright, if not see you at the party."

Hanging up, he thought to if he would be seeing Florence at the party. The last time he had seen her was fifteen (15) years ago, before her parents upped and moved them to West Virginia because of work. Though the Green's moved back about six (6) years ago, their children had not.

The last he had heard about his best friend's sister was that she was in Los Angeles, the city of Angels. Milo was in Toronto and working as a family lawyer, which is why he had not seen either of them in a long while. Though he kept in touch with the brother, never got to reach out to his sister.

He reminisced on childhood memories the rest of the drive home.

Paying the kind old man, who was his cab driver, Dylan tipped him an extra one hundred (100) for the holidays. He understood not everyone had the luxury of money and the ability to take weeks off of work for Christmas like he did.

The man looked shocked at his generosity and he could not help but smile at him, assuring him that he deserved it. Wishing him a 'Merry Christmas', he walked up the long driveway to his parents modest home.

The Rode's were a wealthy family, but he never took advantage of his parents hard earned money. He preferred to use his own money and he made more than the average income to live extremely comfortable.

Knocking on the mahogany door, he watched it swing open to reveal an older man that basically mirrored him in looks. Both of them broke out in to smiles and hugged one another tightly.

A light voice flowed through the hall, "Leo,who's at the door?"

"Come see for yourself Eden, my love."

Soon you heard the light clicking of heels come down the hard wood floor. The minute the older  woman saw who was at the door, her eyes welled up with tears and she flew into his open arms.

"Hi momma, I'm here."

"My little baby boy! Why did you not tell us you were coming!? We would have came and gotten you."

Pulling back, he looked into her hazel orbs and explained that he wanted to surprise them, since he told them he would not be able to come home because of work. Telling them that it all was fake and that he would never miss coming back to see them, especially for the holidays.

His parents were so happy and he was quickly brought in with all his luggage. Asking them if they knew about the welcome home party the Green's were hosting, they quickly informed him that all three of them were going.

"Okay, well I'll drive us there so you guys do not have to strain yourselves. I'm gonna unpack, shower and then head to the diner. Do you guys want anything from there?"

Smiling at how thoughtful their son was, Eden answered, "Okay my baby boy. I'll take a strawberry cheesecake and your father, a New York styled one. Thank you."

Letting them it was no problem, he took his luggage up the stairs and to his room, doing what needed to be done. Grabbing his clothes and tossing them on after the shower, Dylan jogged down the stairs and out the door.

Opting to walk to the diner instead of taking a cab and possibly getting stuck in typical New York traffic. It took him about ten (10) minutes to reach his destination.

Coming upon the glass doors that were adorned with decals of pinup models, food and other 50's styled items, he pulled them open, stepping into the warmth.

The elderly woman who ran the diner ,spotted him the second he walked in. She moved so fast, you would swear she was younger than sixty (60).

"Do my eyes deceive me? Am I really seeing little Dill in front of me right now?"

Chuckling at the nickname that she gave him over twelve (12) years ago, he replied, "Your eyes are fine, it is me Penelope."

Letting out a cry of joy, she embraced him, squishing his face into her chest and rocked him side to side. Soon the whole diner was laughing at her antics, they all knew of her soft spot for him, Milo and Florence. They were like her own children as well.

Leading him to a booth, he sat on the side facing the door and spoke to both of the owners for a few minutes before they got up to go back to work. He asked them if he was still allowed to go in the back and take out stuff. They told him that he was always welcomed to do that, so he did just that.

After putting aside the cheesecakes for his parents, he placed the money inside the cash register and helped dish out desserts to customers. He enjoyed helping out as he had worked here most summers when he was a teenager.

Just as he finished serving the last set of customers their drinks, the bell above the door rang signalling someone came in.

Looking up to greet them, his breath was rushed out of his lungs at the sight of an older Florence Green. She was a cute kid when she was younger, but now she was drop dead gorgeous and a curvy woman. He almost could not believe that was her.

Before he could stop himself, the words flew out his mouth.

"Amore, is that you?"

He watched her look up and meet his gaze. She was in shock at seeing him so soon and awkwardly waved at him.

"Hi Dylan.."

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