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"This was the best night ever!"

It was the tenth (10th) of December and Florence was with taking a walk with Milo, when her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she saw it was her mother.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Hi honey, I was wondering if you and your brother could go to the supermarket to pick up a few gingerbread house building kits?"

"Sure, how many do you want?"

She could hear Nora humming while she thought, "How about just two (2)? I invited Dylan, by the way!"

"That's perfectly fine mom. Are we doing like a competition?"

"Yes! Your father and I on one team. You and either Milo or your boyfriend, whoever is not on a team can be the referee."

Letting her know that was okay, she hung up and told her brother what their mom wanted them to do. Which ended up with her eardrums being screamed off and her arm nearly being pulled out of its socket.

Florence was pulled all the way to the nearest Target. When they reached, she yanked her arm back and massaged her shoulder, while glaring at her sibling. She desperately wanted to kick him in his crotch for that.

"Sometimes you act like a fucking child. That shit hurt like a bitch, do you forget you are basically a whole two (2) feet taller than me?!"

Seeing that she was genuinely pissed off at the way he pulled her, he embraced her and apologised. The younger of the two could never stay mad at her brother, no matter how wild and idiotic he could be at times.

Breaking out into a grin, she told him it was fine, but reminded him that he needed to mindful of the fact she was so much shorter and he was a lot stronger than she was. Milo promised he would learn to be more aware.

Heading inside, they searched for the biggest gingerbread house kits the store had and purchased them. Once they stepped out, the duo realised that it was snowing heavily and would be incredibly hard for them to walk all the way home.

"Fuck, who can we call to come to get us? Dylan can't cause, his parents have Eden's car and Leo's is at the mechanic's."

She watched as her brother whipped his cellphone out and dialled a number, before putting it up to his ear. Florence could kind of hear what she assumed to be a female voice speaking from the speaker.

"Hey Viv, could you do me a favour?"

"Thanks, can you come to pick my sister and I up at the Target on Main Street?"

"Alright, thanks again. See you in a bit."

Milo turned to his sister, only to see her wiggling her eyebrows at him and smiling weirdly. Rolling his eyes, he playfully shoved her and told her to quit it. She continued to just wag her eyebrows at him to annoy him, which worked.

"So, Viv huh?"

"Vivian, you dummy."

"I'm just saying, I have never seen your face that shade of red ever when on the phone with anyone. So, brother dearest, do tell do tell."

At the realisation that she saw his rose-red cheeks, his face was flushed and he was blushing again. Coughing, he quickly covered his whole lower face with his sleeve to block his sister from seeing it.

"She's just a friend, Shrimp."

He could tell immediately Florence was not buying what he was selling. Cursing inwardly at her perceptiveness, he knew he would have to tell her the truth.

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