CHAPTER [7] Here's the plan.

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 This is-

My wolf?

His father took a step back, just in case, there was a towering pile of terror and darkness looming over Damsel's body, invisible to the eyes, but completely apparent to the nervous system of everyone in the room.


The words made their way out of Damsel's gritted teeth, making even Damsel himself, who had no control over his own body anymore, surprised.

"Ereloc wants." The possessor pointed at Damsel's heart. "His mate."

His mother stared agape at what she thought was her son, and his father struggled to keep back his alpha instincts.

"Ereloc will never take anyone but his mate."

On the ground, Matthew coughed, and as surprised as she was, his mother took the chance of distraction to pull Matthew up, putting his arm around her shoulder and hoisting her up.

The other backup guards flooded the room helping their comrades with the same thing.

The guards surrounded him with caution, trapping him in a circle cage with their hands hooked on their walkie talkies.

"Ereloc will never bind with anyone but his mate."

Ereloc stared down his father, tension going back and forth between the two, but unlike Damsel, his father leashed his wolf back in his head, even though it was begging to jump upfront.

"Ereloc will kill anyone who gets in the way of getting his mate." Ereloc started, slowly walking towards the man that was his father, with steps that shook the tension.

"Ereloc will kill kill anyone who harms his mate."

Then he stopped, just infront of his father, with a slow, slow smile.

His eyelids stretched up threateningly, revealing his wide, terrifying flooded black eyes that glared down at nick's. Then, the next words that came out of Damsel's mouth sent his deep, toxic pheromones to flood the room.

"I, Ereloc, will kill Damsel, if he betrays my mate."

The toxicity of the air weighed down everyone's backs as the guards were forced down on their knees, anyone who was present in the room could feel their hearts clogging up in fear, and his father only barely managed to keep himself on both feet.

It was like the strength of his pheromones were grabbing him by his throat, suffocating him with curled hands gripping tightly.

He couldn't believe the words that had come out of the his son's wolf. Shock and disbelief were words too small to describe the emotions he was feeling.

A wolf killing their body hosts was completely possible,

but also extremely rare.

It would only happen if the host goes strongly against the wolf, to which the wolf would be driven by wrath and anger, resulting in the host being completely eaten out, from the inside.

It was a self-destructive button to put it simply.

"You-.." Nick staggered back. "You wouldn't!"

The fear traveled in Nick's veins but never made it to his facial muscles or skin. His complexion remained pale and Matte, his eyes as steady as if he were shopping for shoes. But deep down he was petrified of his threat,

If Ereloc killed damsel, he'd be killing himself aswell.

In other words,

If Ereloc's mate died, then Ereloc would kill himself to be with them.

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