[ CHAPTER 4] - Light headed.

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I am not into BDSM.

Damsel's eyes widened at the text, he held back a snort as he rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing things.

After renaming the unknown number, curiosity set itself, and Damsel wondered how the other had gotten his dirty little hands on his private information. He was literally a fucking idiot.

A small smile smile slithered onto his face as he typed back quickly.

1st of al, how tf did u gt my n0mbr

2nd, yus u r

Is this Damsel? Sorry I think I got the wrong number.

Give the phone back to your mom kiddo.

Damsel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, What was that supposed to mean? He tapped back quickly.

am damsel wdym


y r u ignorin me


fuckin knight

Wait is this really Damsel?

Damsel frowned as he hesitated for a second,


Yeh u fucktard tf do u min

Fr the last time howd u get m nombr

Damsel noticed that his message was read, but there was no response. He was about to put his phone down  until he heard a ping.

Damsel, are you drunk?

He made him wait for a text that long, and that's all he wrote? The other's continuous thread of questions left Damsel frustrated so to speak.

no u fucktard anser m kweston

 Sure, it wasnt hard seeing as Damsel practically gave his number to anyone he had slept with (alot of people), but it was still unusual.

Ive had it since u first got a 'nombr'


Damsel got his phone back in 8th grade- Could that mean?

Surely not.

There was no way the idiot got his number back then.

Damsel didn't know why Darren had put quotation marks around the word, was it some sort of grammar? He hadnt bothered attending english classes since 4th grade, so he quickly shrugged it off.

second of all, I dont like getting sexually abused and tied up.

Therefore I dont have that kink

Holy shit-..

The idiot had looked it up.

At that moment, Damsel let out a heavy laugh, the laugh came from Damsel like a newly sprung leak - timid at first, stopping and starting. From deep inside his chest came a great shaking motion and his face muscles grew tight. Holding his stomach as he looked at the phone in disbelief, his sorrowful tears form before turned into joy.

He scoffed, amused.

u rly lve up too ur contact name 

With that, Damsel put his phone down, shaking his head in amusement. But the latter didnt notice the smile that had made it's way onto his face when he tried wiping his tears off, only to realize they had dried.  He was practically balling his eyes out just a few minutes ago,

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