CHAPTER [5] - Tell me you're fucking joking.

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Nothing but silence.

A scorching whisper of a clock ticking clicked back and forth, filling Damsel's plugged ears with nothing but a loop of ticks. The machine next to him rotated between about six different annoying noises of varying pitch and volume. It sounded like a disco for the anti-christ.

He lay there quietly, keeping his eyes closed, matching his breaths to the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, the only indications of his heartbeat, his existence. A sort of warmness hugged him, it was soft, like a blanket, and he felt completely at ease with the sounds that came and went, the sounds dissolved and melted into his dreams where he imagined aliens controlling machines.

 Yet his beating heart was paired with another's, the soft thumping sang it's way to his ears, it was more beautiful than any melodic piece of art he had ever listened to, and he wanted to hear it louder, closer.

He groggily stirred in his sleep, his eyes opening ever so slightly as he questioned whether he was still living in reality, Curiosity slowly pried open his swollen eyes to meet a dismal view of a magnolia colored hospital room, the door a navy blue. Questions hugged his brain desperate for answers but even the brain felt hazy and heavy with nothing but internal tiredness. It was so quiet. In the frame though, right beside his bed, an unrecognizable blurred figure sat on the stool with their head in their hands, massaging their temples Damsel would likely have guessed, but not assured.

The hearty song was coming from him.

The fact that he stirred in his sleep sent a signal to the stranger that damsel had awoken.

The way the figure turned with uttermost panic, damsel couldn't see more than the neck, but the build of the body made sure out to be a man, he was built with lean muscles; he could definitely tell with the way his shirt hugged the outline of what damsel guessed were abs, but that was besides the point.

He stood up abruptly, his hands almost trembling as he walked closer to Damsel, who merely stayed dazed thinking it was another dream. For a moment, hesitation won over the figure, but he slowly pulled the dazed boy closer to him, wrapping his arms around him softly. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around the other's weakened body.

The soft beats quickened the longer their embrace lasted, and the hospitalized boy couldn't help but sink into his hold, he just wanted to listen to the beautiful melody until he fell into slumber for good, his heartbeat made him feel safe and protected, like nothing could hurt his mental state at this exact moment. Oh how desperately he wanted to be so close to the point that their hearts touched.

The blissful warmth that radiated from the male soon infected Damsel, as his dreams melted into reality, the world around him melted away as Damsel squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end. From deep inside his chest, through every cell of his body, the warmth welcomed him like an old friend. But it was strange, because he never felt that way before. It kind of even scared him, you know? Feeling the cold slowly leaving his heart like that, as though he were out under a loving spell.

He inhaled the delicious smell of baked chocolate goods, burying his head into the crook of the stranger's neck and just, resting, resting in the surreal protective bubble of comfort and safety.

It was like he was sinking into a pool of cotton candy, the feeling was like none before.

But then he was pulled back into the abyss of pure darkness that you called Slumber.




The same annoying similar sounds reminded him of his alarm clock, and the same machine beeps from before that had calmed him down now made him want to rip his hair out and slice his own neck, the frustration got the best of him. It frustated him that he was pulled from such a heavenly, addictive dream, he would've paid any price in the world just to experience the same warmth that had surrounded him from that figure, it was absolutely amazing.

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