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"Oh my god.. Did you see him? He had bruises again!" They whispered. He could only scoff.

" I heard he beat up a motor gang, all alone!" The boy adjusted his ring. 

"No, I heard that he fought face to face with a mafia lord!" He laughed. 

"Ugh, I bet he thinks that being problematic will make him popular." 

"I mean he's not wrong."

As usual, the bickering hallways of Lakedale high whispered gossip non-stop, who did what over the weekend? The awesome party Brittany threw, Mister Johnathon's browser history (Yikes), and the most popular gossip of the weekend:

 Damsel Prince's new fight.

It seemed like anything that boy did became a headline for the school newspaper, he was only a senior yet somehow everybody watched him like tigers hunting their pray, waiting for a chance to pounce and bite. Whatever he did, whatever he ate, whatever he said, it would be kept tracked of, anything he did would be used against him somehow. He was the youngest brother of the Prince family after all; the members of the Prince family were  alphas of the Lakedale pack, His father was the alpha, to be exact. He was basically treated like the beauty gurus of the beauty community; Anything that the poor boy did was an immediate receipt, a twitch of a finger could sell out for Christ's sake.

Damsel Prince's had seizure!

And that's not the worst of it.

Hearing this, anybody would feel bad for the boy, not even doing anything wrong yet people still talking behind your back just for their own entertainment.  But in this context, that's not the case. 

That 'poor' boy? 



Because Damsel Prince loved it. He craved the attention, He lived for it. 

He wanted it. 

He gave them the shit they wanted to talk about, he did the shit they gossiped about, he gave them reasons to bitch about him. Smoking; Check. Alcohol; Check. Tattoos, Fights, Parties, Gangs, Piercings, Whoring around? Definite check. 

 For what reasons? Why would he want people to purposely talk about him? Why would he surround himself with so much drama?

Well let me fucking tell you.

because of his goddamn name.

Who the fuck thought that calling their last child, a boy, 'Damsel' would be okay?!

Like, maybe if his brothers didn't have, you know,  macho names like fucking: Chad, Bryan, Brad and Kyle. Then it'd be fucking fine! But why the fuck would you name your poor baby boy, in a strong, Well-feared, powerful, Alpha family; Damsel? And the only one with a pansy-ass name like that! It was such a girly name, as if he was a damsel in distress for fuck's sake!

He felt as if he had to do anything to appear manly, to be looked at as a boy, to be feared; so that nobody could use his biggest insecurity against him. It's like what they always say:

"Hurt them, before they hurt you."

Hi, Im damsel, and my life? it's kinda crazy.


Hi! I'm so sorry if this prologue was cringey to read and short, but i just wanted to get it out of the way for now.  I'm so excited to be writing this! This is my first wattpad book, so go easy on me haha!  a disclaimer right now: The actual chapters are going to be way better than this half-assed prologue, so stick around and follow me for the updates (my update schedule is every saturday). 

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