CHAPTER [18] - A long-due conversation.

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Every cell in Damsel's body shook.

It seemed that the whole world was against him.

There was silence lingering in the air, both of the two had forgotten to react, forgotten to make a sound; and they had both forgotten to move. It seemed that their brains were working slower to catch up to what was happening.

The two laid still, each waiting for their death silently; It took a while for Damsel's thoughts to catch up to him. What had happened? What was happening? 

His face had paled in color; his hands were pressed against Darren's chest from when he tried to stop the impact; Darren's shirt scrunched up from Damsel's grip; his fist grew tighter and tighter with each passing second. 

Damsel did not know to react; his thoughts were silent; as if delayed.

It was only when he felt another peck against his lips, that his heart dropped; like in a moment you get the most shocking jump scare. To Darren, it felt right. The feeling of the other's lips against his own; the soft embrace it held against his own; at that moment the world stopped at his feet; he moved his lips against the others; the lightness it gave his heart, the way it lifted all else in his head. Darren kissed his lips again, placing another peck; kissing at his bottom lip, his lips moved the other's; as if he were touching something poisonous. Damsel's breath danced against his own, Darren moved his palm to cover over Damsel's fist against his shirt, brushing his thumb over the skin of his knuckles; as if this kiss was a pure one with deep-endowed feelings. 

After the first touch, there was no reaction, so with new-found confidence, he dared to kiss him again.

What was Darren doing..? What was he thinking?

Damsel's grip against the other's shirt tightened, he woke up from his stupor; shoving him off. His heart was pacing in his chest, he felt light-headed for a second when a stifling feeling of doubt rushed through every pore in his body, a tinge of red spread through his body; he blinked his eyes; the stinging of his lips was unnatural.

Yet in that second, Darren gripped his wrists, pinning them down against the ground over Damsel's head. 

Darren put his whole body weight on Damsel again as he straddled him, no matter how much the boy under him kicked and shoved.

"FVCK, what are you doing? Bastard! Get off!" Damsel's chest was heaving up and down, the the volume of his voice audibly getting louder and louder following his sense of panic; he was fucking terrified right now; more than angry. Terrified if he was going to hit him in this state; as long as he could move, there was no problem; but in a a state like this where he couldn't get away; all he could think about was the shower.

The kiss was all that raced in Darren's head.

But Darren also panicked from his reaction. He loosened his grip, he expected Damsel to rage up or yell as he broke through restraints, but no. Damsel's expression visibly relaxed; his hands relaxed aswell, he simply looked up at him; quietening down. His eyes had confusion written across in them; his voice quivering.

"What are you doing?" He asked. 

"Are you going to yell?" Darren asked, tilting his head to the side.

Their positions were still the same, Damsel pinned underneath him; yet they were having a conversation. Of course, they were both panting; chests heaving up and down. 

"No, if you don't act like a fucking psychopath."

"Okay, I won't be aggressive again, sorry."

Damsel stayed quiet, 

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