CHAPTER [20] - Home? Where I belong.

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"Damsel, you're not buying that."


"We don't need LED lights.."

"Yes we do! For lighting!"

"We're buying household items we actually need." 

"Please, I really want it,"

"Get a job and you can buy it," Darren dragged him by the hood of his hoodie back to the original isle they were in. "We've got your bed, the dining table and chairs; couch, we don't need a TV; so all that's left is the sanitary necessities and household items like bowls, towels, toothbrushes, cups, and other utensils." Darren read off the list.

"You forgot about the wardrobe, and we probably need a desk too?" Damsel chipped in, he stopped by a specific item; 

"Okay, a wardrobe; we could make do with smaller shelves, and to save money we don't need a desk." He scribbled the words down, "It might get hot so we should buy a fan or two, and a solar generator or a battery for when electricity turns off. Gas too, probably. A heater as well since it's a little chilly now though."  

Darren continued listing down the objects, "What do you think? Is this about right?" He turned to look at Damsel, only to see him not there.

 He felt a headache coming, with an exasperated sigh he turned around and searched the isles he had passed. "For fuck's sake."

"Damsel?" He called his name, trying not to attract too much attention; it was a little hard when everyone he passed eyed him up and down with no shame. This part of town was very uncomfortable, especially when he was going around calling that name. "Damsel!"

He looked past the shelves; and even for the next 10 minutes, he couldn't find him; he had traced back to every step they had taken in the building.

Sweat dribbled down his temples, and a horrid feeling reached up his spine; had they already been found? Did something happen to him? 

He was about to give up when he saw a familiar figure in one of the entries,

The look on his face when he found Damsel in the gardening section.

Damsel was holding a Phlox seed packet.

"Are you serious?"

Damsel looked up, meeting Darren's scornful gaze, "Oh- .. Hey?" He shifted to the other foot when he saw how Darren was walking up to him. "Darren?"

"Do you have any Idea how long I've been looking for you?" Darren caught a hold of Damsel's collar, his breath disgustingly close to his face. Darren seemed out of breath; and he was.

"I was going to find you." He explained, but Darren's grip only tightened, "Get off me."

"Are you fucking forgetting that there are 2 packs on our tail? Samuel is waiting for us, and you're practically delivering us into a mess." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

Damsel shoved him away, yanking his grip off; "I got it."

 He put the packet back. 

The two entered another cold war, walking out of the store; Even when they entered the car they had borrowed, neither of them spoke to one another. 

They had brought the chilly tension into the car with them.

"Did you guys buy everything?" Samuel asked as he closed the cover of his book, peeping his head out from the back-seat. "When are they being shipped to the apartment?"

"By tonight," Darren answered, "Did you get hungry? I got you pizza and some cool drinks."

".. You aren't eating?" He meant both of them.

Big bad DamselOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant