CHAPTER [14] - Holding back.

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Damsel was stupefied, almost dropping the boy flat on the ground.

He was too concentrated on the footsteps that seemed to be coming nearer and nearer, his spit was stuck in his throat and his full attention was towards the sounds outside the door, the weight in his arms suddenly increased, and when he looked down, he saw an unconscious Samuel!

 He was too frightened to respond properly, and in that moment of surprise, he had shoved him aside, causing the child to smack his head against the wall behind him.

"Fuck!" He shouted in hushed tones, there was no chance the boy would wake up now.

Pitter, Patter,

The footsteps got increasingly louder, and then a knock was heard on the door. Damsel held his breath, the knocks now seemed to be coming through megaphones, the room was dead still, and the knocks just became louder; what was he meant to do? He was terrified,

he was biting on the insides of his cheeks, his grip on the boy tightening, and in the corner of his eye,

he found his escape.

There was a window.

It seemed like Luna had really heard his prayers! 


Carter's stern tone was muffled behind the door, but the tone was very different from what Damsel had seen Carter talk in, and he understood; this was how Carter spoke to his children when no one else was available to watch, at the notion, the boy in his arms seemed even more pitiful. he couldn't imagine the timid Samuel being able to stand properly infront of that horrid figure of a father.

Carter heard no response from the inside, and anger boiled up and his veins were apparent, after the meeting he had witnessed his usually docile son disagreeing with him and going against him, no words could truly describe how Angry carter was; he was a stubborn man, a stubborn and terrifying man who put control over everything, who let his wolf take over more often than not; and because of that, he was irritable, out of control, and ruthless.

This was a mental condition that many alphas suffered from when their desire for control went above and beyond the normal quantity, to the point that without control, they would massacre. They demanded complete control of every situation; this devastated not only the Alpha's life, but everyone around them suffered even more.

Carter had to have control over everything that existed under his roof, starting with small habits like wanting items to be in the same position as he left them, to his food tasting a certain way, these habits quickly turned from objects to the real people around him; nobody in the house was allowed to speak to one another if he wasn't present, and they weren't allowed to make a single sound,

But his preoccupation shifted to his child's existence.

He desired the ideal toy.

Now that Darren had made everything apparent to him, he was angry, boiling even, and his eyes were a horrifying pool of dark; he wanted to vent his rage on someone,

to lose the perfect son he had cultivated over the years brought more rage than ever before.

If he faced Samuel in this state, there was no wondering what he would do.

"Sir." A nervous butler sounded out, "Second young master Samuel stated that he was going to a friend's house today."

From the sound of his voice and the lies coming out of his mouth, Damsel could only let out a sigh of relief, it turns out some of the workers knew what state Carter was in, and they were driving away from meeting with Samuel, atleast until Carter had learned to calm down a bit.

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