He looks at me with that same mad look before answering coldly, " it was my mom, I called her, and she pulled a few strings. These officers won't bother you again."

"Thank you so much, I was so afraid that they'd try to pin her murder on me or something," I sigh in relief, giving him a grateful look. However, when he continues standing there looking mad, I decide to finally ask him what's going on.

"What now? You can't believe this whole me being a suspect thing. I mean I wasn't even a student here last year, so it wouldn't even make sense for me to be a sus-"

Grabbing my hand to stop me from walking, he stands there silently observing me before shoving something into my face.

"What are you doing?" I whisper shout at him, not wanting to draw any attention to us.

Still, he remains silent but looks at the phone to tell me to look at whatever is on there.

Sending you only notes was becoming a bit old fashioned for me, so I'll alternate between the notes and messages now.

Anyways, see how easy it is for me to plant evidence on you?

This time it was something that wouldn't get you arrested, but who knows what I will plant next? Maybe it'll be the murder weapon?



"Who's that?" He asked.

I just stood there, disbelieving. Did he just ask me that?

"Who sent you this message?" He asks again, this time angrily.

That honestly made my blood boil. How could he open my phone, read my messages, and get angry at me? We haven't even been friends for a full day, and he's crossing so many boundaries.

"How dare you read my messages?" I ask him calmly. I will not let this anger me.

As if, haha! I'm not going to be surprised if smoke starts coming out of your ears in a few seconds.

"I didn't mean to snoop around or anything, but the message popped on the screen while I was looking at the time, and I just read it," he seemed to have realized what he said before because the anger on his face got replaced by guilt immediately.

"No, that's not an excuse. You're not a close friend of mine to give yourself the right to read my messages. And even if we were close friends, you still shouldn't read my messages," I will not back down on this one. If we'll be friends, he'll have to respect me and my privacy. "Even if you were checking the time and a message came up on the screen, you shouldn't have read it. You disrespected my privacy, and I can't be friends with you if you'll do this again."

"You're right. I shouldn't have read the message without asking you first," he says looking defeated.

"It's not only about the stupid message. It's about your principles. It's about knowing that you can't mind your own business. Next thing I know, you'll be searching through my stuff," I laugh sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I promise that I'm normally not a nosey person, so please don't be mad at me," he pleads, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"I'm not mad," when I see the look on his face, I...change my statement. "Okay, maybe I am mad, but I have a right to."

"I know you do, but you also have to look at it from my point of view," he argued. "The first thing that my eyes fell on was 'see how easy it is for me to plant evidence on you' and I couldn't just not read further. Look, if you don't want to tell me who that is, it's okay, I get it. We've just become friends an hour ago. But if you're in danger, you have to tell someone...anyone."

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