Chapter 9

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The next few days were spent in a never-ending cycle of going to class after another night of not sleeping well. Then I would go back home and spend the rest of the day either think about the fight or slaving over the essays, which I can never seem to finish because of the thoughts that are going haywire in my mind.

I also spent the weekend laying in bed and catching up on my studying for all the quizzes I have this week. University is tough, it's much more difficult than I thought it would be. I wish I could go back and shout at the people who told me to study hard in high school so that I could enjoy my college experience.

However, the main thing that I'm constantly thinking about, even more than the journal, is the fight. I've never had a fight this intense with Lena, for we're the kind of friends who fight over silly stuff and then make up within the next fight minutes.

But this fight and that emotionless tone that she used with me, those were a first. And I'd be lying if I said that our friendship will come out of this fight the same way it was before.

As for the journal, well, I haven't touched it since that night mainly because I didn't have time in between all the studying that I've been doing. It also didn't help that Lena has been camping out in our room almost all the time, and I didn't feel comfortable opening the journal with her in the room.

Right now, I was walking down the corridor after finishing my civil law class, whose professor's name turned out to be Mrs. Andrews. And since I haven't been late to her class after that first time, I'm now thankfully able to go through her class without receiving any of her glares, which I learned that she's apparently famous for.

I hear the distant sound of my phone ringing, making me stop to take it out of my pocket. Seeing that it was my mom calling and that I don't have any more classes today, I answer the phone without a second thought.

"Hey, sweetheart. I missed you," my mom says, and the moment that I hear her calming voice, I feel all my worries slip away making a smile spread over my face.

"Hi mom, I missed you too. How're you and dad doing?" I reply softly while walking towards a quiet corner to stand somewhere where it's less noisy.

"We're doing great, but life feels different without you here."

"Don't worry, winter break is going to be here soon, and I'll be back home before you know it. I mean can you believe that I've been here for a week and a half? Time flies so fast."

"Oh, I know honey, and that's why I want you to make friends and be happy before you regret it."

"What?" I ask confusedly. Then, things start becoming somewhat clearer. "Did Lena tell you something?"

"Well yes, but even if she didn't tell me, I would have known. I know how your shyness always makes it hard for you to make friends."

"I don't want you to worry mom, I'm making friends here. What else did she tell you?" I'm not exactly making friends here, but she doesn't need to know that. Besides, doesn't Blake count as a friend?

No, probably not after your last conversation. My subconsciousness tells me brutally.

"She did tell me that you were having trouble sleeping and that you're asking a lot of questions about the girl who used to live in your dorm before you. I know that you're a curious person, but I don't want your curiosity to harm you, Aurora." Oh, she's using my full name, so Lena must have told her everything like she always does.

"Don't worry mom, it won't. I just want to know who was living here before me," I roll my eyes before looking around the hallway. However, something catches my eye. A large picture who has a certain someone on it, and that certain someone is Alexis.

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