"But everyone must clean their own rooms. You're not gonna be a slave." I state.

"Okayyy... well I was thinking for you, with the tending to the future crops and livestock, you could do woodwork and sell them?" She's thought everything through.

"And what about you? What would you do, Molly?" I ask and I see shock on her face. "You need do something you love too..." she doesn't answer me. "What about your art? Get back into your art? Isn't there jobs that you can draw for others, to design for someone?"

"You mean like a graphic designer?" I shrug, I don't know the word for that career. "Well sure I can do that."

I turn the page. "Okay well how much is-" my mouth falls open when I see the amount. "What. No. Huh?" I look up at Molly and shes indifferent. "This is too expensive..."

"No it isn't! With the estates and this house sold we will be able to buy it, and have money to spare..." I stare at her in shock.

Sue pipes in. "David... the life policies are ready to be paid out... and because of how influential her parents were, the payout is generous."

I sit there and stare at the amount. Molly pulls the book away from my eyes. "Enough about the money, David. We are buying it and that is final." She lifts her chin in defiance.

Shane is watching Sue, and I know, he is smitten. The conversation changes direction and all I can wonder is how this will all turn out.

"So Sue..." Shane says softly and she turns her head towards him. I watch him try and be normal. "Um... would you... um... I don't know... would you..."

"Just spit it out!" Jeff nudges Shane hard in the ribs. Shane grunts and rubs his ribs.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" He blabbers out and I see Molly smirking out the corner of my eye.

Sue blushes profusely. "Sure... why not..."

Molly jumps up and claps her hands. "I knew it! I knew it! You guys are meant for each other!" She continues to chant it until Sue and Shane are red tomatoes. "Okay, okay... I'll stop..." she huffs and takes the empty boxes of pizza to throw them away.

When she gets back she motions for me to sit next to her on the couch, Sue and Shane sit by the dining table talking to each other and Jeff is sitting somewhere reading a book.

I plop myself next to her and wrap my arm around her. "We can move tomorrow already..." she says softly.

"Oh well, I don't know about you but I'm not comfortable staying in this house..." she nods her head and I kiss her. She kisses me back and it quickly heats up.

I pull her onto my lap and kiss her passionately, she pulls my hair and I let out a groan. I run my hands under her sweater and reach for her-

"Oi... you do know we are still here." Sue says. I pull my hands out from under her shirt reluctantly. She gets off of me with a blush so bright, I'm sure someone across the road would see it.

"Time for bed... I guess, it's moving day tomorrow..." I say and pat her thigh before I stand up. I walk upstairs and see the twins still sleeping.

Molly joins me in the room and gets undressed to change into pjs, I walk over to the window and look out.

This neighborhood is beautiful and I know they are friendly. They were always willing to help even if we were a bunch of strangers.

I watch a group of birds fly over a big tree in front of me. Then I see something like a shadow moving and that catches my attention, I straighten up and stare intently at where the movement came from.

I stare at the spot waiting for more movement, but there isn't more movement. Was that my imagination or is it real?

I shake my head and change into my sleepwear. I cuddle up next to Molly and hold her close to me. I look at the sleeping beauties next to her over her shoulder.

I fall asleep quickly into a restless sleep. I have a uneasy feeling inside me and I can't settle it.

It was in the early hours of the morning when I heard it. The door being kicked in.

Taken By Force and Kept For Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now