The truth

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You yawn as you wake up to people fighting next door. It was the middle of the night why are they making so much noise? It was Urushihara, Ashiya, Emi and someone else. Most likely the other person living there. You could hear Emi the clearest. She was the loudest.

"Then go back to Ente Isla!"

Ente Isla? What was urushihara yelling about? You didn't want to go over there and see what was going on so you sat there and kept listening.

"I would if I could but I have to watch you demons!"

Emi finished yelling then left slamming the door. What was that all about? Demons? You knew they were all strange but not this strange. And what was Emi doing over there so late? So many questions that probably won't get answered. You were too tired to think straight. You laid back down and slowly fell asleep

==Next morning!==

You woke up to someone knocking on our door. You got up and opened it. When you opened it you saw Ashiya.

"Hello '____' we were wondering if you would like to come over to our place for breakfast?"

He smiled looking at you. You thought it would be a good idea so you agreed.

"Ok come over when your ready."

He smiled and left. One again. Strange. You got ready and headed over there. The second before you knocked on the door it opened. You smile and walk in. Once again only two people were there. Would you ever get to meet the mysterious third roommate? Who knew. You sat down and looked around. For one Urushihara wasn't sitting at the computer. He was sitting down beside Ashiya.

"Sorry Maou had to go to work."

Ok well at least you knew the others name now. When everyone started eating you were about to ask a question when they asked you one.

"Hey. Did you hear anything last night? Just wondering."

You were going to ask something but Ashiya asked something first. A very interesting question.

"Last night? Oh no I didn't."

You lied. Many questions appeared in your mind that you were afraid to ask.

"Really '____' ?"

You sighed and and told them what you heard last night.

"There's something we need to tell you."

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