What now

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~Three months after~

You're alarm went off at six AM. That meant it was time to get ready for work. By the time you were finished getting ready and eating it was already seven. Quickly finishing off your cereal and putting it in the sink, leaving out the door. As you stepped outside Emi was their waiting for you. She always was. It was a morning routine.

The walk to work was always full of random small talk or gossip, recently she started talking about a guy she liked but always have little to no detail about him. It was strange but you didn't mind. She didn't have to tell you. When you both got to work you put your bag in the staff room and quickly changed before sitting down at your desk. "Hello, How may I help you?" The first call of the day.

"I'm sorry sir! We are sorry about that!" The second.

"Mam, I'm very sorry. We will fix that right away." The third..

"Yes sir! I'd be happy to help!" Fourth..

"I'm so sorry! Il do that right now." Fifth...

The calls went on and on all day, nothing new. It was always the same. Each call the same. Each day the same. Each week.. The same. Each month that went by was.. The same.

Ever since he had left everything had been the same. Your like had become dull, just like before you met him. It didn't matter to you. Why would it? He was a stupid thing to waste time over. Just focus on your friends and job. Nothing else matters. Friends to help and make you smile and a job to get you the money you need to live. It was all you needed. A normal life. Was that normal?

As work ended you and Emi parted ways and you headed home. It was a silent, uneventful walk. The same as usual. When you got home it was around eight. You opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind you and sitting down on your bed. You relaxed for a bit before getting up and doing your nightly routine. Laying back in bed and sleeping.

~You hear a noise late at night. You slowly open your eyes and see yourself in a new place. Where was this? It looked like.. A castle of some sort. And a cage.. you were in a cage!! You hear a voice from somewhere off in the distance. "Why hello my little princess."

That voice.. "Urushihara? Where am I?!? Tell me!" You began to demand. He has to tell you. Me must! All you get in reply is a snicker and footsteps walking away. "Great.." You mumble and sit down, giving up hope slowly.

You say there for.. Hours probably. Nothing changed. No noise. Nothing. Just dead silence. You closed your eyes and began to relax until you heard small steps coming towards you. "Who's there?" You instantly jump up and look around.

In front of you there was a young, Human girl standing there. "Hello.. Are you asking trapped here? I can help you out"

"But where are we? I truly don't know where I am." You sigh quietly and didn't really expect much of an answer from this.. Strong young girl. "Silly.. We're in Ente Isla"~

You quickly wake up in a cold sweat. What was that... A dream? It felt all to real for a dream. "It was nothing.. Nothing at all" you thought to yourself before looking beside you, seeing something you got rid of. The stuffed bear Urushihara got you...

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