Wierd day

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! Your alarm goes off. You quickly get up and turn it off. God that alarm is anoying. The same sound you wake up to every day. Hurry to get ready for the day you do your everyday routine. Making breakfast, getting ready then going to work. The same things you have done since you moved here. Outside Emi waited for you. You guys walked to work every day talking about this and that. Anything really. She often brought up the guys next door. It was kinda wierd.

As you got to work you sat at your desk right beside Emi and Rika. Rika was another co-worker and Emi's friend. She introduced you guys and then became friends. It was a good thing you were making alot of friends in this town. All day at work it was the same. Complaints and people having no idea what they were doing.

"Hello what can i do for you today?" another caller.

They spoke and you knew who it was. It was urushihara! What has he doing calling you at work?

"Hey '_______' il be waiting for you outside of your work so we can hang out."

After he said that he hung up. That was.. very strange. He just called you at work to hang out. It make you almost happy thinking about hanging out with him. The rest of the day went by slowly. At brake you didnt even talk much. At the end of the day you hurry and changed then went outside.

Urushihara was standing outside waiting for you. He was wearing a hoodie with the hood up as always. Wierd..

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