Valentines day

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(Yo this is a bit early but whatever. Also this had nothing to do with the current story line. Just a little fun update for all of you guys. Sorry about that. Just thought I could make a cute little update.)

You and Urushihara had been dating for awhile and you two had been getting pretty serious. Valentine's Day had been coming up so you decided to go shopping with Emi to find him a sweet gift. "Hey Emi.. What should I get him? What does he like? What do demons like? Do they even celebrate Valentine's Day?" You had so many questions and truly didn't know what to get him.

Emi laughed as you both walked to the mall. "Hey '___' calm down. He will love anything you get him for sure. He doesn't even deserve it. And yes we celebrate it.. Well something like this. It's a little different but not by much" She shrugged, entering the front doors.

Quickly, you look around all the stores. What one to go into? What would he like? So many stores to look in. The gift had to be something sweet and from the heart... Right? "Emiii.." You just whined. A demon was truly hard to shop for. "Just get him some chocolate or if you wanted to like some lovestruck kid make them."

Going with the basics was never a bad idea. As you kept looking around a small store caught your eyes. It was a cute little store selling all different types of sweets. Perfect store to check in first! You quickly make your way there and began to look around. They had cute little heart ones. That wouldn't be a bad idea. After a bit of looking you decided on the ones you saw before.

"Il get these ones" you smiled and the cashier put them in a little heart shaped box and handed them to you when you finished paying. "Perfect.. I guess that wasn't that bad. I could still get him more" it was all still stressing you out. You're first valentine day with him. Was it important? Probably.. You had no idea since almost all your relationships didn't last that long.

"So Emi.." You began to get noisy. "You have anyone yet?" Her eyes quickly looked at you and she glared, crossing her arms. "Not yet.. But that doesn't matter. I don't need some guy"

"Sorry, sorry didn't mean to get you mad" you chuckled quietly and began to walk towards the mall doors and heading home. "Cya later Emi. Il tell you how it all goes."

-Valentine's Day-

The day before you told Urushihara to meet you at your house you could make them a romantic dinner. You had just started cooking as Urushihara came to the door. "Come in! It's unlocked." When you finished talking Urushihara quickly made his was inside. He was holding something behind him but you didn't question it. "Happy Valentine's Day" he smiled and you chuckled.

As you finished cooking you both sat at the table and began to eat. "I hope you like everything. I worked hard on it.." You weren't the best cook but you always tried your best. Especially for Urushihara.

After eating you both gave each other the gifts and sat on your couch, watching a romantic movie. Urushihara put his arm around you and pulled you close. You looked up at Urushihara, smiling. Next thing you knew his lips were pressed. A quick kiss turned into a long kiss, which turned into a make out session.

You could feel his hand slowly move down your back and up your shirt. His touch on your bare skin drove you crazy. It was clear to tell he was hesitating to go farther. "You don't need to hesitate.. I want to go further.. I want more of you Urushihara.." You mumbled and he nodded, slowly pushing you down on the couch and getting on top of you.

(Oh what a shame. Here's the part I cut it off. It you want the rest of this you better read my lemon. I don't really want to add smut into this to keep it fairly safe for work. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

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