The devil and his demons

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"There's something we need to tell you."

You have no idea what they are going to say but they sound pretty serious. You start to get worried. Did you hear something you shouldn't have? Did you hear something bad? What could be so important? All the thoughts running through your got interrupted by Urushihara. 

"Hey '____' promise you wont like.. be scared or anything after?"

Scared? What could be so bad that it would get you scared? Once again their other roommate wasn't here which gets you even more worried. He's always at work. What is his job? What if they were convicts? The police could be after them! Are you friends with wanted people? You just look at him and nod. You are ready to hear what they had to say.

"Well you see.. me, Maou and Urushihara aren't from this city.. or this world exactly."

They weren't from this world? You knew they were different but.. If they weren't from here then where were they from? Why were they telling you this. It sounds like pure lies to you. Urushihara decides  to finish what Ashiya was saying.

"Your're probably wondering where we are from, aren't you? Well if you really must know, we are from Ente Isla.. you probably heard that from Emi. Damn that girl can yell!"

He was right about that. Emi really could yell.. but what the hell was a Ente isla? It sounds like something you would name a really crappy amusement park or something. What the hell are they trying to pull? Once again your train of thoughts is interupted by Urushihara. He really needed to stop doing that.

"I guess I never told you my real name. I'm Lucifer and he's Alciel. We are some of the demon generals that works for the devil... which happens to be Maou. Ente Isla is a different dimension full of demons and humans and we kinda maybe just tried to take it over."

"Let me get everything straight.. You guys are demons from some weird other dimension and you are generals that work for the devil? Haah. Whats next? Emi is like an angel or something? Stop lying!"

You start yelling at them and stood up. Why are they lying to you? You aren't stupid! You're not going to fall for that. You want the truth. 

Ashiya started to laugh awkwardly. 

"What was so funny?" You questioned, in a frustrating way.

"Um about Emi... I guess she's an angel,  in a way.."

Suddenly the door slammed open and Emi walks in, dragging in a guy wearing a MgRonalds uniform. Who is this guy? Don't tell me... it couldn't be..

"I brought back the idiot that should explain. Not you guys!"

Emi yells as she throws his body on the ground. Looks like he is..

"OW! Emi come on I said I would walk myself!"

He suddenly looks at you

"Oh hey you must be '___'. I'm Maou."

He sits  down beside you and smiles. He starts explaining everything in great details. So everything they said was true. You feel so bad for yelling at them.

"I-I'm so sorry for yelling at you guys.." You kept saying sorry over and over again with apologetic expression. 

Everyone stayed there talking for a awhile and by the time they were done, it had already gotten dark outside.

"I- I have to go."  You stood up.

 Urushihara got up with you and followed you out the door and to your room. When you got to your door he smiles and starts talking. 

"I'm surprised you didn't freak out. You know your pretty cool."

He walks away with a smug look on his face and for some reason you started to blushing. 

You slowly went inside your room and straight to your bed, laying down. 

It was alot to take in. 

You lived by demons.. 

At least they're nice.. right?

(Hey readers i just want to say thanks and sorry for the lack of updates. Im really glad you guys are enjoying the book and would love feedback from you guys. Im really sorry for the lack of updates. My laptop died but i have a new one now so expect updates every week. Il try my best! Thanks guys!)

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