11.The announcement plan

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3rd POV

It was almost Christmas, Adrien goes out of his room to see the big tree he decorated with Nathalie and His father yesterday. His father decided to be a good parent for once and joined him in decorating the tree.

It's a nice view to see in the morning.  He went to have breakfast.

After that, he changed into his winter clothes.

He's gonna go ice skating with his friends.

He went to the ice skating rink to see Alya,nino,Marinette, Kagami and Luka there.

It was an interesting group not gonna lie, Marinette wanted to ask Kagami and Luka just like last time because she wanted them to teach her ice skating.

And Alya overheard them talking and asked if she and Nino could come and baam,this happened.

Back to the story, they each put on the ice skating shoes.

Kagami got done first and decided to go a few laps around the rink,Luka following a while later.

Adrien helped Marinette tie her shoes.

Alya and Nino got on the rink and skated.

Marinette and Adrien finally got on the ice a while later.

They skated together t'ill Kagami and Alya pulled Marinette away from Adrien and Luka and Nino did the same to Adrien.

Marinette was surprised, she thought that Kagami was going to steal her boyfriend away not her, she didn't expect Kagami to give advice to her.

"Marinette,you are one of my only close friends other than Adrien. And  first female friend.If Adrien hurts you, please tell me, I will make sure he will lose the ability to walk and talk. " Kagami says, holding Marinette's hand, Alya nodding in unison.

"That's..sweet Kagami. But He won't hurt me, He's a good person.I know he is." Marinette smiles.

"Alright, but just in case, call me if he does anything bad to you. "Kagami says.

",,,Alright." Marinette awkwardly smiles.

"We'll be here with you if you need us, the girls too."Alya says.

Meanwhile with the boys,

"Promise us you won't hurt her." Luka says.

"I Promise, I will not hurt her."Adrien says, kinda scared.

"Good, If you do, Alya's going to rip you to shreds. Kagami too. And all of Marinette's friends and family." Nino says.

Adrien became a little bit more scared now.

He didn't have any bad intention to Marinette anyways.

"Well that's slightly scary."Adrien says.

"Can we go back to skating now?" Adrien asks.

They nodded and went back to skating.

Marinette,Kagami and Alya skated too, Kagami teaching Marinette while Alya gave motivational support.

"Go Marinette, you're doing great sweetie." Alya says.

"Kagami are you sure this is a move for beginners?" Marinette asks, Kagami lifting her up.

"Well, I think so,I learnt it when I was 10 or so. So yes, definitely."Kagami says,holding Marinette's waist up in the air.

The boys were looking at them with slight fear of Kagami, that girl is so badass and she doesn't even know it.

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