14. The show

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3rd pov

Ah yes, it's the moment we've all been waiting for. The announcement about Adrien and Marinette's relationship.

They decided it was best to release a picture of them about 2 weeks before the fashion show.

They posted a simple picture of their hands intertwined with no caption. The two both posted at the same time.

The fans immediately went crazy.

Celebriteanddrama √: OH MY GODDD
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   StanAdrien: RIGHTTTT

Love.Adrien : TRUE stans will not care that Adrien has a girlfriend. They will Still love him and not attack Marinette. Please don't attack them.

In the next hour, many articles popped up about this situation. Many YouTubers also did a video about this.

All of them had the same question, Is Paris' most known teen model Adrien Agreste dating his colleague, Marinette Dupain Cheng?

As soon as they posted said picture, The Agreste mansion was bombarded by paparazzi. They were all waiting to see what Adrien or Gabriel said. Is it official?

It was a week later, and the news has not died down. We still haven't gotten an answer, is it true? Nobody knows.

People keep trying to ask if it's true but none of the Agreste's answered. Neither has Marinette. People are now starting to think that this was a publicity stunt. As the news appeared 2 weeks before the fashion show. Also, they've never seen Adrien and Marinette go out on a date.

So it was a bit suspicious.

Marinette also didn't answer any questions.

Which made it 5 times more strange. Normal Marinette would be panicking, saying "No! Way! H-he doesn't like- like me that way! It's impossible! "Or something like that.

T'ill Agreste designs finally gave the people what they wanted, an official confirmation.

It was a video

Ah, another time skip to the next week. The show we've all been waiting for.

Marinette was nervous. She has been training for months. The day has finally arrived. Adrien was also slightly nervous surprisingly. This was the first time He had to model a full outfit by His girlfriend. So it's a bit nerve-wracking.

They started the show, music blasting in the room. Models came out with beautiful outfits. Marinette felt so amazed, Gabriel's designs are gorgeous compared to hers.

Marinette's designs will appear at the end of the show so there's still 20 minutes till then. If they're on schedule of course.

Kagami was in the show too, she wasn't interested in the actual show so she sneaked into backstage. She found where Marinette and Adrien were.

"Hello Marinette,Adrien." Kagami greeted, startling the two.

"Woah, Kagami, you surprised us there. " Adrien says.

"Are you two alright? It seems that you are nervous about something."

"I am very nervous, What is I trip and make a fool of myself?  What if they don't like the design?What if I..." Marinette rambles.

"Calm down, there is nothing to be worried about, you have practiced for months correct? So you shouldn't be nervous."

"Yeah,I have practiced, it should be a piece of cake! " Marinette says, taking a few deep breaths.

The three talked for awhile t'ill it was 5 minutes before their turn.

"It seems that I have to go now. I'll watch your show. Goodbye." Kagami left.

Just as Kagami left, The two were called on stage.

Marinette took a deep breath and walked out to the stage. Where she was met with multiple camera flashes.

She heard whispers, "How beautiful." "Isn't that the new model?" "That is not a Gabriel Agreste design." The last one from Audrey Bourgeois.

She also saw her best friend Alya and Parents sitting in the crowd.

She went backstage and changed into her second outfit.

And again, went out.

When she came back in, she didn't change into her usual outfit, Because of the interview she'll have in 15 minutes.

She was so happy. Her design got a lot of positive feedback.

She checked Instagram and was bombarded with DMs asking her the same question, "are you dating Adrien Agreste?"

Well, they're about to get an answer.

It was time for the interview after the show.

Marinette came out of the changing room and out of backstage to the outside, where they'll have an interview with Nadja Chamack.

"I'm Nadja Chamack and we are live with Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng at the reveal of the new spring fashion line by Gabriel Agreste."

Nadja asks a few of the basic questions, what's the inspiration behind it, and so on.

T'ill Audrey Bourgeois came in and asked," I want to know, what about those last 2 dresses? Those weren't a Gabriel Agreste design. Gabriel doesn't do pastel colors very often."

"Those are her work." Gabriel moved aside to present Marinette.

"You? Aren't you that girl who made that faux feather hat last year?"

"Correct,I made the two dresses and hat."

"Gabriel? I didn't know you had an apprentice."

"I don't."

"Then who is she?"

"I'm Marinette and I am a model and aspiring fashion designer at the Agreste company."

"You do have talent. Unlike chlorine- Chloe! Good choice Gabriel." Audrey left.

"What a turn of events folks! It seems that the last 2 dresses weren't by Gabriel Agreste. They were by Marinette. Marinette, may I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course Nadja."

She asked Marinette the basic questions the popped out the question we've all been waiting for.

"Marinette, this is a bit off topic but is it true that you are dating Adrien Agreste?"

"Oh, Yes. It is true actually. Agreste models will release an official statement too."

"Hear that? It seems that the rumours were true. Adrien and Marinette have confirmed that they are dating."

It feels good to finally let that out.

They continued for a while then, it was time to go home.

Marinette was silent, but Adrien knew that she was mentally panicking.

"Are you alright princess?"

"Yes, yeah. I'm just surprised, everything is going so fast. The world knowing we're together, Me possibly getting a chance to be an actual designer. It's all happening fast, too fast. What if I fail to catch up? Then my life will be over before it even started, what if..." She slightly panics

"Shh, calm down. I'll be there for you for every moment, I know you can do this. If it's going too fast, it's fine. We can do this on our own pace. There's always another opportunity." He calmed her down, hugging her and lightly kissing her forehead.

"Yeah, I can do this. " She takes a deep breath,"Adrien, Can you promise me one thing?"


"Can you promise that you'll be by my side? Through the ups and downs? "

"Only if you promise you'll be for me, then yes. What about you? " He whispers

"I promise." She whispers back.

Next chapter is the Epilogue :)

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