2.The model

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3rd pov

It was the next day, Marinette just arrived at school. She felt so many things at once,like anxiety, excitement and shock.

She just couldn't believe that she got the job so easily and is starting in a couple of hours.

Alya saw the girl and came near her,"Did you get the job?"

"I got the job and I'm starting today, after school"

"That's great,but are you okay? You look scared"

"I'm scared that I would mess up and make myself look like a fool."

"Don't overthink too much,take deep breaths and pretend that the camera isn't there"

"Thanks for the advice I guess"

The day went on and its time to start her first day on the official job.

"Hey Marinette,father told me to pick you up and go to the location of the photoshoot."

"H-hi Adrien, where is this photoshoot exactly?"

"It's at the river Seine"

The two went into Adrien's limo and the awkward tension started.

"Adrien, can you give me a few tips on being a model, I'm not that great at it yet" Marinette asked, trying to break the very awkward moment.

"Of course, Try to maintain a good skincare routine to prevent any acne breakouts or skin issues. "

"I didn't know you had a skincare routine."

"Well I gotta have one,how else am I supposed to keep this beautiful face of mine"He says touching his face.

Marinette laughed, She's never seen this fun side of him before.

They kept talking til they reach the Seine river.

As soon as they reached the place, they saw a few fans taking pictures and asking for an autograph.

As Marinette came out of the limo, fans started whispering things and taking out their phones.

They said things like:

"Who is that?"

"Is she Adrien's girlfriend?"

"I didn't know he had a girlfriend"

Before some guards asked them to leave.

Marinette entered her trailer to change her clothes.

She came out wearing a white T-shirt with black stripes,short brown denim overalls,some socks,and white shoes.

As for her hair and makeup,her hair was slightly curled and her makeup was simple,highlighted cheeks and pink lipgloss.

She came out her trailer seeing Adrien in a similar outfit.

White sweater with black stripes, a blue shirt under it,black jeans,brown dress shoes and what seems to be, an expensive watch.

They had a little photoshoot that wasn't great.

Marinette looked stiff,she wasn't great at this modeling thing.

"Calm down,just imagine that the camera is your best friend."

She took a deep breath and gave her best shot. It was perfect.

After that shoot, Marinette felt tired, modeling is hard.

They had a 10 minute break, so Marinette decided to scroll her instagram, after a while, she saw an interesting post.

Caption: It seems that Gabriel Agreste has a new model perhaps? Is she dating Adrien Agreste ? Who is this mystery person? Is The model dating Adrien Agreste?  Well stay tuned folks because the Tea is piping hot!

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Caption: It seems that Gabriel Agreste has a new model perhaps? Is she dating Adrien Agreste ? Who is this mystery person? Is The model dating Adrien Agreste?  Well stay tuned folks because the Tea is piping hot!

The comments seem interesting too;

Adrienismine : Who the **** is she and who does she think she is, Adrien is mine!

View previous replies (69)
Kay.boomer: @ Adrienismine No, he isn't an object that you could claim.
FeedAdrienpls @ Adrienismine pls don't be toxic. We don't know if he's taken yet.

Marinette was surprised, gossip spreads around way too fast.

Before Marinette could do anything, She was called back to set.

She changed into a really pretty dress, that looked perfect for prom.

It was a pretty blue mermaid dress with a sweetheart neckline and had a transparent shoulder area, it had a beautiful gradient from light blue to a She also wore blue heels.

Adrien was wearing a dark blue tux that matched hers, and a matching dark blue tie.

"You look beautiful, Marinette." Adrien compliments.

"Why thank you Adrien" Marinette smiles.

She was pulled into a trailer and the stylist changed her hair and makeup.

"What's the new concept?"Marinette asks.

"Well, it's prom season so, it's a prom fashion line" She answers.

"Makes sense"

Her makeup was stunning. The Blue eyeshadow paired with light blue eyeshadow compliments her dress.
She had some light pink lipstick too.

Her hair was curled and placed on top her shoulders.

Marinette thanked her stylist and went outside.

Adrien saw her and was stunned at what he saw. It was like seeing a real life goddess.

The photographer called for them.
"Marinette, Adrien pretend to slow dance and look at each other lovingly."

They did as told and it looked genuine.

"Perfect, here, Adrien hold this and act as if you are giving it to Marinette. Marinette, make a surprised look"

"Next, Marinette will slightly touch Adrien's hand,which is holding the bouquet"

"Ok, last one is you two hugging each other"

"Now go change into your next outfit!"

After a long day of changing clothes, posing and taking photos,Finally, the modeling session is done.

She changed back to her clothes.

"I'm exhausted Tikki. Who knew modeling was this hard."

"Let's go home now, you need to rest!"

"Alright, I'm done changing, let's go home." She came out of the trailer to get surprised by Adrien, per usual.

"Hey Marinette, it's dark already so would you like a ride home?" Adrien asks.

"Sure" A free ride home, with Adrien, in a limo, Who wouldn't say yes ?

~In the car~

"So how was your second experience modeling?"Adrien smiles.

"It was awesome! I don't know where the sudden confidence came from. I wish I could have this type of confidence whenever I needed it"

"That's great. Now, would you like a few more tips to get used to modeling? "

"Sure, I can never be too prepared."

They continued talking t'ill they reached Marinette's house.

"Oh, We've arrived. Thank you for the tips Adrien. Also thank you for the ride home!" Marinette waved goodbye.

"Of course"Adrien smiles

Turns out being a model was quite fun, yet exhausting.

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