A Birthday of Ethiopian Heaven

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A/N This has got nothing to do with my multi-part story Heaven vs Hell. This is a separate one-shot that I hope y'all enjoy. This one-shot and the picture that goes with it is for a lovely friend that I met on Wattpad and I've given them a shout-out at the end.

Moonlight was spilling through Magnus' loft and Magnus was brushing back Alec's dark curls. Magnus was sitting, watching a movie on his big flat-screen TV and Alec was lying down on Magnus' lap, a book held over his face. The book was called Ethiopian Voices: Tsion's Life and it was about life in Ethiopia. Alec had found it lying around Magnus' study and had found a keen interest on the book as well as Ethiopia. Magnus had found it incredibly charming.

So charming that he had planned a birthday date for Alec in and around Ethiopia. It was also convenient that Alec's birthday fell on the same date as the Ethiopian New Year: September the 11th (A/N This purely for this one-shot. Alec Lightwood's birthday, as said by Cassandra Clare, is on the twelfth of September). Magnus was going to make sure that Alec had an unforgettable birthday.

Alec shifted slightly on Magnus' lap. "Comfortable, angel?" Magnus inquired. Alec made a pleased sound and shut his book. Magnus paused the film. "Finished reading it?" Magnus asked. "No, not yet, I think I'm going to go to bed," Alec informed Magnus and stood up. Magnus followed suit. "You can finish the film," Alec said. Magnus shook his head and lead Alec to the bedroom. 

Alec fell onto the bed with easy grace and pulled Magnus on top of him. Alec kissed the warlock and Magnus went for Alec's shirt. Alec parted for air. "I'm going to sleep," Alec said and Magnus glared at him. "I won't get to have my way with you tomorrow so I'm doing it now," Magnus said and Alec cocked an eyebrow. "Why not tomorrow?" Alec questioned. "It's your birthday so we are going somewhere. Get to the loft by half four," Magnus instructed and Alec was halfway through nodding when Magnus kissed him. This time, Alec did not complain about sleep.

The next day both Magnus and Alec were tired due to lack of sleep. Magnus had made sure they had used the bed for anything but sleep. But like normal, Alec, with a goodbye kiss, had gone off to the Institute. Magnus called Catarina over to plan his surprise for Alec. Catarina Portaled them to a place Magnus had not been before but one that Magnus knew Alec wanted to visit. Catarina had been there before and now, because Magnus had been there, he could Portal Alec and himself to that special place.

Alec used his key to open the door to the loft. And he was surprised to see that Magnus was plainly dressed. The warlock was only wearing baggy jeans and a black sweater. Magnus snapped his fingers so that Alec was dressed in some comfortable clothing as well. Then, Magnus made a Portal and tugged Alec through.

Alec stopped with his mouth hanging open. They were surrounded by trees everywhere and it was already dark, the moon a thin crescent. But Alec could see everything for there were balls of shimmering blue lights floating everywhere. Magnus' magic. And when Alec leaned forwards, he could see water tumbling down, a beautiful waterfall. One that Alec had developed an interest towards. It was the Blue Nile Falls.

"Magnus - I - I -" Alec stuttered, not able to believe his eyes. Magnus grinned at his boyfriend. "Magnus, we are in Ethiopia! This is the Blue Nile Falls!" Alec shrieked finally. "It very much is, Alexander," Magnus smiled and gave his boyfriend a kiss. "Magnus, I - thank you," Alec said, eyes filling up with tears. For so long he had wanted to visit Ethiopia, to look at the Falls and now he could.

Magnus was going to cry with adoration just because Alec looked so happy. But that was not all Magnus had in store. Magnus clasped Alec hand in his, walked his boyfriend forwards and slipped off the edge. They were falling towards the water and Alec was shrieking but they landed in a boat that Magnus had magicked. More blue lights appeared everywhere and Alec gasped. From the boat, the waterfall could be seen and heard comfortably. Magnus wrapped a blanket around them both and watched his boyfriend as he shined.

"I take it you like this present," Magnus stated. "I love it," Alec told Magnus delightedly. "I've wanted to come here and see what I think is the most beautiful part of Ethiopia and now you've made my dream come true. Thank you, Magnus," Alec added. Magnus' smile grew bigger.

"It also happens to be the Ethiopian New Year today, Alexander," Magnus mused and Alec nodded enthusiastically. "We haven't done a New Year's kiss, have we?" Magnus asked. Alec shook his head. "Seems like the perfect time then," Magnus said and Alec looked so happy that it broke Magnus' heart.

The next twenty minutes was passed with a joyous conversation but mostly Alec listening to the waterfall and watching it with awe. Magnus decided that for Alec's next birthday they should see the cities of Ethiopia. Obviously, Ethiopia made Alec way too jovial and the Blue Nile Falls seemed to work wonders on Alec. 

"Twenty seconds till the New Year," Magnus said and Alec was pretty much jumping. The spell on the boat kept it from rocking. Magnus started counting down.



Alec leaned in slowly and started counting with Magnus.




Their voices were barely a whisper and their lips centimetres away.



Magnus magicked a display of New Year's fireworks all through the night sky above them.




Their lips met. It was a soft kiss, as soft as the moonlight. Alec wound his fingers into Magnus' hair and Magnus guided Alec forwards with a hand to Alec's neck. The sound of the wondrous waterfall was steady and Alec felt so light that he thought he might drift away. He was in one of his most-loved places, celebrating his birthday and the Ethiopian New Year with the gushing of the Blue Nile Falls, with the spectacular fireworks, with the smiling moon and with Magnus' loving kiss. And though not everything in his life was perfect, this night certainly was.  

A/N This one-shot is dedicated to peregrinateheli.

She is so lovely, kind, supportive and just so amazing. I just love talking to her and it is her birthday today so I really hope that this one-shot made her happy. Happy birthday, peregrinateheli, I hope you have a day that is as lovely as you. I hope you enjoyed this one-shot as well. Thanks for everything! 💕

And thank you to everyone else for reading my one-shots. I hope you are enjoying them.

Love you all so so much, IC XXXXXX❤

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