Love In Any Universe

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A/N This story is based off the show and it's set in the alternate universe that Clary travels to. Hope you all enjoy!

Alec lied in bed, tossing and turning, his dreams filled with beautiful dark eyes. Eyes that belonged to the man he had seen at the party. That beautiful man had gone off stuttering and Alec found that extremely endearing. And that's when it clicked. Alec had seen that man on TV. He was positive that he worked as a fortune teller or something. Alec found his phone, rummaged through useless web pages before he found the one that advertised 'Bane's Fortunes'. Alec found the contact details for the man, Magnus; he had found out that the name was Magnus Bane after reading the website.

Magnus was in the clouds, stroking his cat's hair when his business phone rung, making him jump. He picked up and put the phone to his ears. "Hello," he said, "Bane's Fortunes; how may I help?" It was a man who spoke. He had quite a dreamy voice. "Hello, Mr Bane, I'm Alec Lightwood and I was wondering if I could get an appointment?" Alec asked and Magnus was startled; he hadn't had many people asking for a reading lately. "Of course," Magnus replied, "Tomorrow at seven?" Alec's steady voice gave a steady answer saying 'yes'.


Alec knocked on the door that said Bane's Fortunes under the number nineteen. It only took a moment for the door to open and for the man of Alec's dreams to be standing in the doorway. "Hi, I'm Alec," Alec introduced himself. "Come on in," Magnus said and Alec noticed a small blush of Magnus' cheek. With a smile, Alec followed Magnus inside and when Magnus indicated to the room to the left of the stairs, Alec obliged, seating himself on one of the plush sofas there.

"So er would you er like me to tell you how your future might be?" Magnus stuttered and blushed. Of course the beautiful hazel eyed Alec would make Magnus lose it. He was very attractive to say the least. "That would be good," Alec said. "Okay er I need you to look at my eyes and keep your gaze there," Magnus managed and then Alec looked into Magnus' eyes.

Magnus couldn't help but look back and get lost in the depths of Alec's eyes. Magnus knew that most 'fortune tellers' were fake but he actually felt an aura of energy when looking into people's eyes and usually he could read that person rather easily. But with Alec, Magnus was having a very difficult time concentrating. His mouth kept going dry and his mind wandered uselessly. When finally Magnus did concentrate, he found a rather peculiar image bouncing around in the Circle of Energy. It was a picture of Alec and Magnus himself. They were kissing. Rather passionately.

Magnus breathing quickened and his pulse raced. No one knew that Magnus was bisexual. He was closeted and now seeing the image of himself and Alec kissing overwhelmed him. Overwhelmed him to the point where he was having a panic attack. And then Alec's hands were around him, telling him that it was okay and that he needed to breathe. And strangely, Magnus took comfort in those words and stopped hyperventilating. 

"Oh God, I'm so sorry," Magnus said quickly as Alec rubbed soothing circles on his back. Alec's eyes were gentle as he replied: "Don't be, it's totally okay but if you don't mind me asking, what triggered your panic attack?" And then truth tumbled out of Magnus' lips.

"In your future I - I saw us together together and I'm bisexual but - but no one knows and just - I - got a bit overwhelmed when I - I saw that, because I never imagined that happening to me and I - I think you're glamorous," Magnus said and then went beet red, covering his  mouth. 

Alec let out a small chuckle. "Oh I - that's in my future?" Alec asked, "I must be one lucky man." Magnus, astonished, said, "What?" "I like you, Magnus, and I actually came here to talk to you," Alec explained, "But if that's in my future, then I'm very glad I had it read." Magnus looked like a deer caught in headlights. "You like me?" Alec laughed again. "I do, we met at that party, do you remember?" Alec asked and Magnus nodded, going twenty-five shades between red and paper-white. And then Alec kissed Magnus' burning cheek.

Magnus gaped, opened his mouth and closed it again. Alec stood up swiftly and said "I'm sorry about your panic attack, I really am. Anything I can do to help?" Magnus shook his head, unable to form words. "So I'll be on my way then," Alec waved and backed out of the room. And then he rushed back in, digging in his pocket for something. He fished out some money and placed it next to Magnus on the sofa. Just when Magnus thought Alec was going to go away, he surprised Magnus yet again. 

Alec, promptly losing his mind, winked at Magnus and with a slow, wicked smile, he said, "Call me?" Magnus stuttered, blushed and grasped at the sofa and before he could form coherent words, Alec was out of the Reading Room, leaving a trace of cologne in the air. Magnus didn't believe what had happened and then he pinched himself, making sure he wasn't dreaming. The pinch hurt. He was not dreaming. He was, however, astounded about what the evening had brought on and he found himself hoping. Hoping to have found the spark that had never before existed in his heart. Magnus was sure that this evening was the start of something truly and utterly wonderful.

A/N And this is the AU where Alec treats Magnus to something beautiful. Hope you guys like it. I've done a part 2 of this as well and you'll find it in the table of contents for this book; there's a bit of a gap between the two chapters but oh well. The next part to this is called 'Love In Any Universe - Part 2' so if you liked this one-shot, check the second part out too! All characters belong to Cassandra Clare. Please comment, vote and share.

Lot's of Love, IC XXXX

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