"I think I have something that will cheer you up."

He frowns tilting his head to the side. Not saying another word, I leave him standing there and return to the pond where our clothing sits. I kneel down and rummage through the tattered ball gown and find my gift waiting in the pocket. I smile to myself and walk back to Seb with my hands behind me.

His arms are crossed over his chest as he waits patiently for me on the bedroll. "What you got there?"

"Your birthday present."

His eyebrows lift up. "You... you have a gift for me?"

"Yes." I laugh, stepping up to him.

His arms fall into his folded legs and watches me sit down in front of him. All of a sudden, worry twinges in my stomach. What if he doesn't like it? His present is very small and insignificant compared to what I seen his guests give him. What can you give someone who has everything, especially when I had very little to give at the time when I bought this for him.

Biting my lip, I gaze into his eyes and Seb smiles back in reassurance. No matter what I get him, I think he will appreciate it.

With a sharp breath, I shift my hand around my body so it hovers between us. My fingers are wrapped tightly around the gift and I release them so it is sitting in my palm.

His reaction is not what I expected. We look down at the same time but his eyes shoot up to mine after a moment and his lips part then he looks back at the gift.

Is he going to take it? "It's not much but I think it will have a lot of meaning now. I bought this before even moving into the castle, it was meant as a token of my appreciation." I say as a way of explanation, holding up the rock closer to him. He had fed me and gave me a place to stay, paid for it all without evening knowing who I was.

A small smile cracks at the corners of his lips and he finally grabs the stone carefully between a thumb and middle finger. "A sunstone..." He says after examining it closely in the sunlight.

A sunstone is literally what it means. The transparent round stone captures a sunset or sunrise perfectly. Swirls of the mineral inside hang in the centre as if clouds float against the sky are painted in the orange and red hues of whatever the rock is made out of, that imitate the dawn. When I saw it, I was going to keep it for myself but after saving Seb from jumping, I knew to give it to him. To remind him why it is worth living.

"So you can never miss a sunset." I say softly, reminiscing that night and how I made a promise to myself to appreciate everyday like it is my last.

Our eyes meet and he replies. "So we can never miss a sunset."

A smile creeps over my face. "Yes." A promise that I hope never breaks.

"Thank you Cam. This is the best present I've ever received, it is a close second to you." He says with a wink, his long fingers closing over the stone and he shoves it into his pocket.

I laugh, "You are most welcome." And shuffle closer to him to give a kiss on the cheek. Then I lean over to peek into the bags. There are an assortment of fruit and dried meats, not much to last us for very long. We are going to have to hunt for our food. Does Seb know how? The other bag contains two small knives, a sword and a bow with a quiver of arrows. Seb must know, if the Captain thought to pack these things. Or maybe these will be used to protect ourselves once we reach the Faelands.

"Grab what you want to eat then you need to rest." Seb tells me while reaching for the meat and an apple.

I do the same, turning to the fire and bite a piece from the tough meat. Drowsiness hits the more I eat, making it difficult to finish this small meal. It's as if somehow the food is pulling my lids further down over my eyes. Seb and I are quiet as we eat. We are both exhausted.

Silver and EvergreenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora