Becoming A Runaway

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As the door apparently leads to the front of the school, I run into the front school parking-lot. As I burst through the door, I see Mom sitting in her car waiting for me to come out the front doors.

"Mom, let me in!" I bang on the passenger side window. She unlocks and opens the door and I swing in to sit. "Let's go."

She gives me a look like, "What did you do?" But just a look; she doesn't actually say anything. She goes into gear and we leave the school.


"Now, let's talk," Mom suggests.

I sigh. "You forced me to do that this morning!" I whined.

She just stares ahead. "That doesn't count, because you didn't actually cooperate with me then."

I growl under my breath as a concerned look takes over her expressionless expression.

"What's with the hoodie?" She asks. Damn it.

"Yeah, ya' see. I was really hoping you wouldn't bring that up, Mother Dear," I reply sarcasticly.

"Well I am asking!" She says loudly and frustrated.

I smirk. "Well, I'm not answering." I turn to face the window and I put my earbuds in my ears with ABK on full blast.

As I do this, Mom bangs her fists on the steering wheel like a two year old having a tantrum. She looks over and sees me with my earbuds in. In a matter of seconds, she throws my earbuds angrily out the car window with my phone attached.

I scream horrified. "You bitch! Why the fuck did you do that? What the hell is your problem?"

She closes her eyes tightly as she stops the car in front of our house. I jump out of the car just a second before she hits the ChildLock button for my side. I run back to the road and trace a few blocks back in the direction we came from.

Mom bangs her head on the dashboard a few times and then calmly starts the car up to follow me. What the hell?

Finally, I find my phone and earbuds lying in the middle of the road. I grab all the ruined, crushed, and smashed pieces. I hold them in my hand as tears begin to roll. Music was my only escape from reality. Now what do I have?

Mom pulls up next to me and rolls down a window. "Come on, Laina. Just get in the car."

I look at her with a confused look on my face. "Do you see what you did? You are the worst mother ever! Remember when I said I loved you? I take that back! I take any loving affection I ever said or showed you back!"

A shocked expression crept across her face as I turned and ran back home. I immediately went straight to my room. I grabbed my duffel bag and began stuffing clothes into it, after locking my bedroom door.

I grab my wallet and stash it in there too. I pry open my window and throw my duffel bag down to the ground. I hear Mom run up the stairs and start banging on the door just as I jumped out the window and land on the back porch.

I grab my duffel bag and take off.

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