A Usual Morning

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It's just another day. I pull my usual black beanie on my head just as I finish styling my "emo" jet black hair with red highlights. I let my fringe bangs fall in my face as I bend down to pick up my back pack. I head towards the door as I quickly peek in the bathrooms body-size mirror.

Just like any other day, I'm wearing my black "Physcopathic Records" hoodie with red letters over a simple blank red t-shirt and jeans. My black and white knee-high converse touched up the outfit just right. My makeup was perfect. I had my usual red eyeshadow on with an exaggerated black eyeliner wing that met with the black eyeliner that lined my lower eye lid, too as well as my upper and lower waterlines. Finishing off the look, I quickly grab my volumizing mascara and red lipstick to touch up.

Then, I quickly dash out the door after one last check-through and hop in the car. I unwrap my red earbuds from around my black phone as I select a song from my "Psychopathic Records label" playlist. I turn the volume on full blast as Mom gets in the car next to me. She gives me a look to tell me that she can hear my "devil music" (as she calls it), but I only turn my back to her and look out the window.


I watch as we drive into my schools parking lot after ten minutes of driving through town. The car stops and I go to open the door just as the locks lock. I whip my head around to face my mother and give her a glare. She motions for me to take out my earbuds and I do so as I wrap the cord around my phone.

"Let me out," I sigh. I had a bad feeling that she wanted to "talk".

Shaking her head, Mom sighs. "We need to talk."

"No, we don't," the words rush out of my mouth. I began pulling at the door handle. I push the unlock button, but Mom relocks the car and hits the ChildLock button for my door.

"What the hell?" I scream at her. "Let me the fuck out!"

She looks at me with a confused and almost sad look. "For starters, watch your mouth. Now, why won't you talk to me anymore? You used to love me. Now you stay in your room all the time."

I sigh and give up on getting out of the car. "I do still love you."

"You never say that. And you used to love going placed with me. You loved helping me cook. You had friends over all the time. Now, where has my daughter gone." Great, she's crying. "Now, you never leave your room. You barely eat. You completely shut out the world. Why?"

I laugh nervously. "Come on, that was when I was eleven and twelve. I'm fifteen now. I've been like for three years. Why are you just now sharing your complaints with me?"

She rolls her eyes and wipes away her tears realizing that I won't let this be an emotional and loving moment like in the movies. "I was hoping it was a phase, but lately I've been realizing just how much it isn't. Please, talk to me."

"I am right now." I say like the smartass I am.

"You know that's not what I meant," Mom practically cries frustratingly.

"Just let me out," I roll my eyes. "I'll be late."

The doors unlock. I grab my pack and jump out quickly and run to the school. I walk through the doors just as breakfast is dismissed. As if I was gonna eat anyways. I run to my locker and put up my pack. As I grab my first period books, I hear a snotty cheerleader a few lockers down giggle. I look over and see a group of them pointing at me. I self-consciously pull at the hem of my sleeves and hide my face in my hair. I quickly walk to first class just as the bell rings.


Hey my lovies! I've missed writing for you so much! Here's a new story called Staying Strong. The girl is the story is Laina.

Read on and stay strong! #Staystrong

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