Hung Out To Dry

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~*~*~Charles' POV~*~*~

"I-I meant th-that I....I hope that...that you...." I begin but then say, "Nevermind. I'm going." Then I leave. As I walk through the waiting room, I quickly inform a nurse that Laina is awake, then I quickly escape to outside.

I had waited all night in that hospital with chemicals and needles for Laina to come to, so it's nice to finally be outside. Well, it's supposed to be at least. Instead of enjoying the fresh air by the visitors' entrance and garden, I begin walking to my car as Rover barks to me from inside.

I waited all night for Laina to come to and immediately after waking up, she just starts yelling at me. What happened to "Wow! You stayed?" or even a simple "Thanks for saving my life!".

I should've known not to expect her gratitude. After all, I probably wouldhave acted the same way, but a small part of me still was hoping. I wouldn't be able to live without Laina. Even if I've only known her for a short while.

I open the car door and Rover quickly runs to a green patch of grass. "Been waiting a while, huh? I'm sorry. I couldn't just leave her in there. Ya know?"

Rover looks up at me with an almost sympathetic look, then goes about his buisness. While I let him do his thing, I grab a water bottle, baggie of dogfood, and two travel bowls from the trunk of my car. I usually keep a case of water bottles and little baggies of dogfood in in the trunk for Rover, plus the two travel bowls which fold up for storage and are easy to clean if I just rinse them water. I pour the baggie of dogfood into one bowl, the water in the other bowl, and set them on the ground by my car's back wheel on the passenger side. As Rover comes over to eat and drink, I park my bottom on the back seat of the passenger side of the car, after closing the trunk.

Soon, a doctor walks out of the hospital. "Charles?" She asks.

"Yes?" I stand up eagerly.

"Laina says she is sorry for what she's done. She would like you to come back up and also asked if you brought Rover..."

I pick up Rover, nod, and follow the doctor into the hospital and to Laina's room. As I walk in, Laina's eyes widen with joy.

"You brought Rover!" She cries with joy as she grabs him from me amd snuggles him tightly. And I thought she was happy to see me...

I swallow my pain and sit down on a chair. With Laina not even pay in attention to me and the nurse gone, I felt like I'd just been hung out to dry...alone.

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