Some People Never Change

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A few moments after I hear my mom's footsteps go away, Keith bursts through the door. "Here's your dog," he says then throws the puppy at me. I catch the shaking puppy and hold it close as Keith leaves.

"It's okay. It'll be okay." I wisper to the poor little dog, although inside I am sure I'm reassuring myself more than him. As I rock him back and forth, I look at his dog tag. "Rover?" I giggle light heartedly as he looks at me. "That's really classic."

Rover looks up at me and tilts his head to one side and barks. "Shh!" I gasp. "Keith won't like that. You wanna stay don't you?" Rover winces at the name Keith. I would have too.


"Laina! Dinner!" I hear Mom call me. I still in my new room, lying on the bed with Rover.

"Ready to eat?" I look over at Rover and he jumps up. I huddle him into my arms and walked cautiously down the stairs.

As I round the corner to the dining room, I see Mom carrying a plate of well made food to Keith. "I'll have yours in a moment, Laina," she says and goes back into the kitchen.

"Sit here." Keith orders and I sit down. He looks at me disapprovingly. "No mutts at the dinner table," he sneers.

"Then buy him some dogfood." I reply cockily and he turns to his food.

Soon Mom comes back in and hands me my food, then sits down with hers. "Now we say blessings," Keith demands.

I smirk. "Since when are you such a loyal soldier?"

"Laina." Mom says sternly. "He's changed."

"Sure," I say then bow my head.

"Dear Godly Father," Keith begins. "We thank you for our blessed food this evening and for reuniting our loving family." I cough on purpose in disagreement as Keith and Mom say Amen.

We all ear silently at first. Mom cautiously eats neatly as she sits across from Keith. I study the atmosphere to get a feel for the mood as I feed Rover and myself. Mom seems scared and Keith is obviously the one who calls all the shots, still.

"Do you honestly think Keith has changed?" I mouth to Mom. Keith doesn't know nor pays any attention to us.

Mom nods. "It will just take some getting used to," she mouths back to me.


"Goodmorning, hon." I wake up to Mom setting a breakfast tray in my lap. I sit up, careful not to tip the delicious looking meal of four strips of perfectly crispy bacon, two Sunny - side up eggs with salt and pepper, two halves of toasted cinnamon bread, a bowl of sweet grits, and a cup of orange juice. My mouth waters just from looking at it.

I look Mom up and down, noticing that she was wearing her chef's uniform. "Work?" I ask. Mom nods. "And I will be alone with-" Mom nods again. Tears begin to well up in my eyes. "N-no."

"It's okay." Mom assures.

"No, it's not! He is a monster! Do you have any idea what tramatic pain I have endured from him?" I yell. Mom shushes me. "No! I won't shush! He needs to know what he's done to me whether he has changed or not!"

With a straight face, Mom says, "I'm done trying to get you to accept this new change, Laina." And she walks out of my room. I set aside the breakfast angrily and begin to chase her down the stairs.

"Let me go with you!" I yell and beg. "Don't make me stay here with-" I stop when I feel a sudden pressure on my shoulders. We are by the door as Mom hurries to put on her shoes.

"With who?" The voice of the hands on my shoulders asks.

I turn around with a stone cold stare. "With you, you monster."

In slow motion, it seems, I watch his hand raise above his head and swing down. The side of my face stings as I turn to Mom who is closing the door behind her as she leaves. "Mom!" I scream as I hear her car drive away.

I turn around and feel my face go pale. Keith stares down at me like a predator, then I remember how familiar this feeling of fear feels. The familiar feeling angers me. No child should ever have this feeling.

"Mom really thinks you've changed," I say with disgust.

"Yeah, I actually didn't think she would, but lucky for me." Keith sneers.

He gets that familiar sneer accross his lips and I know he is about to hit me. "Now that she's gone your going to learn how to speak like a lady around me, girl!" He says.

I quickly bolt for the stairs as Keith runs after me. Just as I reach the top step, Keith reaches the bottom and jumps for me. He lands hard as he grabs my ankle and I fall. "Let go of me!" I scream and hold on to the railing. Keith doesn't let go and I scream at the top of my lungs.

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