Happy Memories

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With tears in my eyes, I set up my tent as all the memories from this place come flooding back.

****Flashback Starts****

It was back when I had a whole family and a happy one at that. Me, my mother, and my father were out on a hiking trip, looking for a small remote area where we could camp at for the summer.

We were the typical three person family.We were happy and loved going on yearly vacations. Once when I was six, we went on a world cruise that lasted for a year. When I was eight, we want on a road trip around the whole USA. When I was nine, we actually went to Hawaii for my whole Christmas Break and when I was ten, we were supposed to go to Paris for Spring Break. That never happened.

But anyways, when I was little, we went camping each summer but we never had our own camping spot. This year we wanted one. While hiking we found this meadow. This meadow with the beautiful flowers, perfect grass, and crystal clear stream with the joyous fish.

From the time I was seven until I was ten, we spent out entire summer's here. Mother and I planted all of the trees and bushes to help supply our fruit and also for a hobby while we were camping. Year after year we planted more trees until I was nine. When I was nine, we decided that we could stop caring for I great works of art, because nature would care for them for us.

That was when the trees were just beginning to stand on their own in this wretched world and now, despite all that's happened in this world, this Wood is still standing tall and beautiful from the flowers roots in the ground to the fruit and leaves on the trees.

****Flashback Ends****

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