Good - Eddie Diaz

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"Hey" Eddie pulled me by the hand towards him.

"They're going to love you" he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.

I was about to meet his family for the first time. We had been dating for awhile and I had never met them. To say I was nervous was an understatement. My hands shook the entire way to the house and my knee bounced nervously as I chewed on my nails. I did my best to hide my fear, but I knew Eddie knew.

Christopher had been picked up earlier in the day and that didn't help my nerves. That boy made me feel at ease even when I didn't think my nerves could be eased. He always knew the right thing to say and he didn't even know it.

"What if they don't?" I looked at him seriously.

"Then they don't, would it change anything?" He asked the last part softly.

"Would it?" I asked him. My voice cracked and my eyes started to get teary.

"Absolutely not" he pulled me against him kissing the tip of my nose gently. "I love you and that's not changing, is that ok with you?" He looked at me with a smile.

"That is very ok with me, I love you and that's not changing either" I smiled at him as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Let's do this then" he grabbed my hand and opened the door leading me inside.

Instantly I could tell this wasn't going to be fun for me. Most of his family seemed less than thrilled that I was attending this family event and weren't shy about showing it.

"Babe" I whispered to Eddie tugging his arm.

"It's ok baby, it's ok" he kissed my temple and rubbed my arm comfortingly.

We had decided to move to a different room and hope that the atmosphere was a little better. We sat at the kitchen table with his aunt and his grandma who smiled as we approached.

"How's it going? Everyone treating you ok?" Josephina asked with a smile.

"Of course" I smiled back.

"Babe-" Eddie started before I cut him off.

"It's fine" I laid my hand on his leg giving it a gentle squeeze to tell him to stop talking.

"You don't have to hide it, they can be brutal" Isabel said motioning to the rest of the family.

"You know-" Eddie started before I cut him off again. I could hear the anger building in his voice and I knew he was about to rant.

"They don't like me for some reason, I can't tell you that reason but I can tell you it doesn't matter. I love this man with all my heart so I can deal with it" I smiled squeezing Eddie's leg more softly this time.

He smiled at me widely. His smile made my heart do flips, it always has and it always will.

"Y/N" Christopher approached me.

"What's up buddy?" I asked instantly turning my attention to him.

"Can you help me? My bracelet is falling off" he held out his wrist.

"Of course hun, let me see" I retied the bracelet that was coming loose on his wrist and tugged it a little to make sure it was securely on.

"Thank you" he smiled while Eddie planted a kiss on the top of his head before Christopher left to continue what he was doing.

"He would have been crushed if he lost that" Eddie almost whispered to me.

"We would have made another one" I laughed kissing his cheek quickly.

We had spent the better part of a day recently making bracelets as a creative activity. Christopher had wanted to make us all matching bracelets in our favorite colors and when I told him we had friendship bracelets he said we should call them best friend bracelets instead. Warmed my heart right up. Eddie and I haven't taken ours off and neither has Christopher.

"He loves that best friend bracelet, wouldn't stop talking about it" Josephina smiled watching where Christopher had just disappeared.

"I'm sure it makes him feel so loved" Eddie smiled while rubbing my cheek gently.

"I hope so" I beamed at Eddie.

His aunt and grandma looked between the two of us while we talked.

"It doesn't matter what any of them think, you won that boy over" Isabel laughed.

"Good, he's the best" I grinned.

"Well, just so you know." Josephina started as she folded her hands on the table. "We think you're the best thing to happen to our two boys and we couldn't be happier for them" she patted Eddie's cheek with her palm.

"Good because I don't know if she knows this yet but I'm planning on marrying her so I'm glad I have some support" Eddie smiled.

His words made everyone smile, even though it was a shock to me.

"You are?" I tilted my head questioningly.

"I am"

"Good" I smiled.

"Is that ok?" He asked softly.

"Very ok" I giggled.

"Good" he laughed grabbing my hand and giving it a small kiss.

"Well, looks like we have something else to celebrate" Isabel smiled.

"How does wine sound?" Josephina asked getting up from her chair.

Eddie and I shot a glance at each other before speaking in unison.

"Good" we said with a light giggle.

Requested by: @Itsyaboybuckybarnes

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